Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Positively Tuesday-Smile Worthiness

      It's been a long election year and it will be a long few months  regardless of what your opinion is about the result of the election. We average citizens can do nothing but  rail, fear, stress, and cry while those in power fight for leverage in courts and battle for the voice of media to cram things down our throats. Tighter restrictions, which I think are necessary, to slow the spread of the virus are happening all over the world, and now that the election has passed, now Republican Governors are coming out with  mask mandates and stricter  social distance rules for public places. People are sad that their holiday traditions may change and that they are being asked to not have  get togethers of years past. With all this happening, it's sometimes hard to see joy and things that will make us happy. Today though, one week after an election day and confrontation that was broadcast that it was going to happen for months, I'm taking inventory of  what has made me smile lately. There are a lot of things that hold smile worthiness. 

  • A week of 70 degree weather in Minnesota in November. It's gone as of yesterday as the temperature dropped
  • Rabbits in the yard and across the street
  • The ducks in the pond that swim from side to side, end to end-the warm weather might have confused them a bit
  • Smile cookies at our local bakery and yes, I will be buying more of them but waiting for my daughter to get home     

  • Pumpkin pepperoni pizza on Halloween with leftovers for lunch. Leftover pizza for lunch is an ultimate score in my book

  • Trick or Treaters in costumes, spread out, and for the most part on their honor taking just one bag of treats each
  • Knowing my highschool friends wife was trying hard to eat better, their 7 year old daughter made a sign for the refrigerator to remind her mom to stay away unless she was only going to eat healthy food.(she has had many requests for more signs)
  • My great niece  who had to give up gymnastics three years ago due to a repetitive wrist issue, turned to diving and this year set multiple diving records for her school and will be going to her states diving championship for the second year.  
  • Pup keeping me company all day  in my corner, his bed right by my feet
  • Also with pup, sneaking away from my computer (it feel like that) to get a walk in while it is still light outside
  • Meaningful conversations with my kids, that reminds me I raised  good human beings
  • New book club starting that I didn't have to organize! Book one will be The Hideaway by Laura K Denton
  • Over half of our division  jumped on a least for a few minutes for an informal meet and greet to our new team member. I can't imagine starting a brand new job remotely, when your are the Office Support Specialist, but was sure nice that so many could find a few minutes to welcome him to the team. I miss my co-workers-they are good people.  
     I'll try and keep lists for myself, particularly on the days I'm feeling more glum, of moments that make me smile. It has to be a better use of time than thinking about all the  things that are stressful. I think most of you read Anne's blog Cooking and All that Jazz, but this is my attempt to capture some of the spirit she shares in her weekly Joy posts on Wednesdays. That is another thing that made me smile-a nice chatty Facebook conversation through messenger with her last night! Old friends and new friends, close friends and remote friends-all have smile worthiness. 


  1. Thanks for the reminder! Lovely post and worthy of smiles.

    1. i need to remind myself. I had a little mental pitty party last night, and reading comments this morning is helpful.

  2. I would be so excited to see any wildlife in my garden - which is weird because I live in the country and other than the occasional fox, deer (and wild boar) I don't see much. And the smile cookies are adorable too. Not so sure I'd like that pizza though!

    1. Well, for technically being in -town, though I live right on the border, we are loaded. Our neighborhood ends at a field and scary, we sometimes even get coyotes wandering around. ON one of my walking routes, it is not unusual to see deer, and bunnies are just part of our neighborhood! I love pepperoni, so the pumpkin shaped pizza has become a little tradition.

  3. Thank you for this post. It reminded me to remember what makes me smile too.

    1. Thinking of them made me remember that there is so much to be happy about.

  4. What a lovely post, Sam. And a good reminder to count our blessings.

    1. With things getting bad again in public health, keeping some positive thought is essential isn't it?

  5. I love the bunny! I have have two pet bunnies. Ruby is old and cranky and a total princess but loves to cuddle. Biggy is big! And crazy but loves to sit out on the back porch. Both are litter box trained and (mostly) stay indoors. They definitely make me smile. Today is our last day of the gorgeous weather. I was so lucky to have monday and today off. I will be sad to see it go. JoAnn

    1. We were supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow, but looks like it was more freezing rain and Icey snow covering. I bet our bunnies are tucke din under our deck and trees right now.

  6. I loved reading your gratitude post, Sam, and it's a good reminder that we find joy in the small things in life. No rabbits around here - just a lot of squirrels!

    1. We have squirrels that just make us laugh some days. I think they know how to taunt neighborhood dogs. One will sit on our deck and just watch pup look at them! For being technically in town, we are blessed with a lot of wildlife to enjoy.

  7. I had to smile when you talked about sneaking away from your computer. I miss bunnies in the yard like in my old house. There are no animals here, rarely cats or dogs! A cat did jump on the trunk of my car and walked right over the top and sat on the hood. Bunny pictures are always good!

    1. Too bad our snow was mostly ice, or I would get to see little bunny tracks all over. Soon the ducks will go south, and then we get excited when they come back in the spring.


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