Monday, December 14, 2020

Drive Through Christmas-Blogmas Day 14

      We rode in luxury as my daughter drove her new crossover for our  drive through far Christmas experience on Saturday night. It was a long wait as i suspected but within 90 minutes we were in line  then through, and back home. I'm sure, or I p, they had help setting up. Shortly after pulling into the roundabout, a greet (my youngests 8th grade language arts teacher and daughter of the  fourth generation farmer) collected food bank perishable and cash donations and took a milk and cookie count. We each received a 1/2 pint of milk (which I scarfed in the car) and DD1's went hoe for DH. We also found  some nice little kitchen tools, small pizza cutter and rubber scraper, a pen, candy, and stickers in the bag with the  treats, all promoting 4-H and agriculture. Here's a smattering of photos.

     It was a nice night so windows could be rolled down to get better pictures. Sadly, that did not improve the picture takers, aka. me, abilities. Still, a few nice little memories with my girls i this year we all would like to forget. Have you been to any Christmas, winter, or lights displays this year?


  1. I'm so glad you had a nice evening. It looks like fun!

    1. The girls had their music on-the new Taylor Swift album (digital) and then changed to Christmas music once we were near the lights.

  2. What a fun thing to do, especially with your daughters!

    1. Anything seems to be a bit brighter with their company. Next Saturday the young one will be reciperating, but we'll watch her holiday concert.

  3. so nice to see. Haven't seen much around here (mostly Amish and Mennonite) even my city slicker brother said he hasn't seen much out either. Probably saving the pennies to buy food or pay rent

    1. I think people need holiday cheer, but then the expense of doing so is just not in so many budgets this year.

  4. It is a warm childhood memory for the family to get into the car one night and drive about seeing the christmas lights.
    In my area people decorate going for the over-the-top displays. oh the pain.

    1. We've seen a few houses like that-this was an intentional over the top event.

  5. We have only ridden around very close neighborhoods. I found that I get better pictures if the motor is not on. The slight car vibration makes pictures fuzzy. So, Tommy turns the motor off and quickly turns the car back on, over and over, sometimes. Nice little bag of goodies.

    1. The little spatula was put to good use many times already. I take shay pictures all the time.

  6. Wow, some people really go to a lot of trouble don't they. How beautiful!

    1. This was a far family that is part of a consortium that do different events, different times of the year to promote agriculture. Remember my farmer friend form highschool a couple years ago? They hosted a Sunday on their farm for the community and served grilled cheese sandwiches, ice cream and other dairy treats.The one Saturday night was also a food drive and fundraiser for the food shelf. They did good!

  7. How fun. There are a lot more light up here this year, I think people just need the cheer.

    1. As Chef said above, some neighborhoods and communities have fewer. I'm seeing more in my part of the town.

  8. They cancelled the drive-through lights here, sadly. I've been planning on going for a walk in the neighbourhood to see how my area is lit up, though!

    1. We have quite a few lights-most are simple like ours, or around the garage, but a few have a lot of decorations. We laugh at one house that only did lights on half the house-they just seemed to stop mid decorating. No one knows if intentional or not.

  9. Enjoyed the Christmas tour through your pictures. Karen


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