Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Positively Tuesday: Simple Pleasures for the Week


Pup, June 2011

     Steady I go, back to  blogging. Pecking away with my thoughts and activities is a good stress reliever. Reading and  replying back to your comments  is a great joy-more than a simple pleasure. So without much fanfare I'll add some more for the week.

  1. Trivia was back on  Wednesday. It was a new format and a friend wasn't  mumbling about liking it-we decide too small a paper for our old eyes! Bonis was taking the win. 
  2. Despite the heat, hearing live music on Thursday was a summer simple pleasure. Considering how much was cancelled th e last 16 months, more than a simple pleasure. 
  3. Saturday it popped up in  Facebook memories that Pup joined our family 10 years ago to the date, June 12th, 2011. He was the cutest puppy-so little. He did not know how to walk with a leash and it it took him weeks to figure out how to get up the stairs. Now he's a aging dog of 10, with tummy issues and   slight fog to his eyes, normal aging according to the vet. I feel yah buddy. 
    Pup, May 2020

  4. Friday night  Happy Hour may become  a regular summer feature. It was still pretty sticky so we used the dining room, but not cooking, but having good food (every tiem vegan) with a cold beverage was a good weekend  kick off. I can't type Kick Off, meaning the start or launch of something, without thinking  of Vix's comment that  kicking off in  UK slang is getting into a fight! 
  5. I ended my work day Friday with no  messages in any of the six email boxes, my own and five shared,. After the last three weeks, the pleasure of signing out, and shutting the laptop knowing I don't have one lingering from Friday on Monday morning is an immense pleasure. 
  6. I couldn't remember exactly how  my daughter made her quinoa salad memorial day weekend, but I think I got it mostly right. Regardless, it was fresh, and light, and loaded with vegetables and lime juice. Even making a small version, it was an awful lot. I will be eating it for a few days-neither DH or DD2 were huge fans.
  7. We had the cabin to ourselves this past Sunday. We swam, we ate, we played ball in the water, and went on a boat ride. The boat may be a pain in the but, so we'll see if we get the use out of it the next few summers and decide if it works for us. It was fun, but there are lot's of things to coordinate getting it launched and secured when we are not there. I know a few of you are saying, "I told you so" and are probably right! 
  8. At the lake, I grabbed one of the beach reads, and read for about 90 minutes. I left the book there but didn't finish it, but a book mark is holding my spot should I decide to keep reading.  I like the idea of a book shelf in our room of summer, cabin, and lake reads. It makes that part of the shared space feel like ours. I have a couple other titles from my home shelf I'll bring. I thought about bringing my Elizabeth Ogilvie books, but  probably not. 
  9. While the lake felt cool and refreshing to swim in, taking a shower once home is always a  simple pleasure. Bonus, I put a nightgown right on after and clale dit a night to end the weekend. 
  10. Saturday I stopped by my friends son's graduation party. We have a few others this year, but soon, we pretty much will have very few if any as our friends kids all grow up and move on. It's good to be able to celebrate with your friends. It's a very midwest thing, and I saw this  video pop-up in an old highschool friends FB feed, Every Graduation Party Ever and thought it was funny, and perhaps a little too on the mark. 
     This is not a simple pleasure but more a confession and a declaration. In my Saturday Schmatterings post, I  updated on a tense family situation with shared property. Many  comments highlighted that  sharing/borrowing/loaning of property can be filled with stress, drama, and negativity. An anonymous commenter  pointed out, and I'm paraphrasing, that it is not my business to be judging the family member, or really anyone in my DH's family. Now I can't help seeing and witnessing what I have for many years, and  I'll likely still take sides and be a sounding board for DH or my kids, but  sharing in this blog was inappropriate. There will be no further updates on things to DH's family-and that should be a simple pleasure for you all. I unpublished the post as well and will leave the drama IRL. I would hate someone I care about to see the details of my airing dirty laundry. 


  1. I'm glad you got to enjoy your time at the lake. As for the boat, I hear they are hard work (and more expensive) than it would appear from the outside so I guess only time will tell if it's the right thing for you. And pup doesn't seem to have changed too much in 10 years. He's still just as cute!

    1. I think once the kids know what to so more, the work part should be spread a bit from DH, but the little things are adding up. I was fun though being out on the water in our own craft. The pontoon is a beast-great for a large group but for 2-4 people seems very wasteful.

  2. Cute dog! I've had 3 cats and 2 dogs in my lifetime but now I just enjoy others- it's so hard when they pass. As for your judging a family member, I've been thinking about judging myself- aren't we entitled to give an opinion? It seems there is a fine line between judging and opinions. Do you have to be asked to give an opinion- not in my house LOL.

    1. We had a five year grieving gap from our Golden before we got pup-I will struggle when he passes away, particularly after this last year. I both judge and I am opinionated when I see hostile behavior towards people I care about for very little reason. When mykids received a bit of the backlash, I was done! I just won't write about things that I am two or more steps removed from.

  3. Lots of wonderful simple pleasures this week! I wonder if the anonymous commenter could have been someone in the family?

    1. MAybe? I don't think his family has enough passive aggressiveness to not come outright and blast me though; they are full on aggressive, LOL. Whoops-there I go again with an opinion and judgement.

  4. SO HAPPY YOU HAD A NICE TIME. Es I have over shared here family drama that I feel about hubs family and it is probably not a good idea. But I forget that others can read this platform.

    1. To an extent, I agreed with the anonymous commenter-three sides to all situations as the saying goes-yours, mine, and the truth, or something like that. In this situation it is this family-that family-the on lookers-and the truth (and in this case I guess that became the judge).

  5. My son-in-law jokingly says the best day in a man's life is when he buys a boat; the second best is when he sells the boat!

    1. DH just said that same thing-being a boat gu y his whole life, I know why he resisted so long. It was a combination of finding what he wanted for the price he was willing to pay, and the work. With retirement closer, and potentially just a few more summers with our youngest home, I think this was a planning purchase.

  6. What a sweet pup! Hope he is feeling all better.
    Sounds like some lovely pleasures last week. Glad you were able to enjoy a break at the cabin. The boat sounds fun.
    I missed the family drama post, but I think you are wise.
    Hope you have a great week.

    1. I'm sure I'll have snippets going forward, just not a focus of the blog. Pup is better, but still a little less rambunctious, but he is an old man of 10 now.

  7. Of course I had to look at the link about the parties! I am thankful it is not a tradition here!
    I know you enjoyed the alone time at the lake. I hope you have a fabulous time there this summer!

    1. The grad party season defines Minnesota kick off to summer, I think! We have a total of four so far this year, a friends, an old neighbor, and two family members. They are totally a get together for the parents with friends and families, and yes, a bit of a money grab for the graduate, but who cares! People can skip if they do not want to come-plenty of people chose not to or had conflicts with all my kids, and I've had conflicts with others. With DH only having Sundays off for the weekend, he feels like he gets very little relaxing time, so anytime its just us or us and his mom, is a bonus. He then can enjoy the time better when the whole family is there because he had some calm.

  8. My soul swoons at the notion of cabin time combined with reading.


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