Saturday, July 10, 2021

Saturday Schmatterings-I Hate Weeding!

      My rock beds still look horrible, but they look much better than before I started puling the over growth of weeds. I really hate weeding and on my list is to dig up the rocks and put another weed barrier down this fall before replacing the rocks (and likely needing to order more) . I know why I don't have a green thumb-I just want to appreciate the final results and not have to do the labor. Then I get lazy, and ultimately have to do something, and often then I am too late. 

     On the other hand, my hostas from last year are thriving and the flowers are starting. Ignore the orange ugly extension cord. The hand me down computer I've been using from my daughter does not hold a charge at all, so as I've been wanting to do some blogging outside in the fresh air, I needed the cord to plug in. 

     Speaking of charging, I popped the batteries out of my camera to give a  good charge and am ready to  spend a bit of time taking pictures out and about. I've not had a good camera play date in nearly a year, just using my phone when I bother to capture a picture at all. 

     Both my daughters are gone for the weekend. DD1 is off to see friends she met when she lived in Wisconsin, and is combining with a side trip to see a collage friend who lives sort of in the same area. DD2 is off to  college to to spend the weekend with a highschool friend who has a year long lease so decided to just move in June since her part time job could transfer her there. It will be a quiet weekend for us. 

          Is anyone watching either Wimbledon or the  European Football finals this weekend? I would have had tennis on but since leaving soon, didn't bother. Even though I am not a super tennis fan, I'd love to attend a Wimbledon match. We have not played any tennis yet this year-those icky hot weeks took away interest, but now with   the weather being pleasant summer, I have a bit of tennis bug. I still suck at it and we struggle to get a good volley, but it is a free and fun evening activity. 

     Last night, DH just picked up a $7 NYXL pizza from Papa Murphy's. It was so good, I have to admit, and I ate more than I should have. We like the thinner crust and the thing is massive so leftovers for DH to  nibble on when he gets home. I think tonight's supper will be a sort of chicken broccoli noodle stir fry. I know we just had Chinese take out the other night, but this hardly could be called Chinese-more Asian flavors inspired. I use our trusty General Tso's sauce we get at Aldi, but will cook the chicken in a mix of sesame oil, soy, ginger, and a little orange juice for an orange chicken sort of flavor to the meat, and the General Tso flavor to the noodles, which will be spaghetti noodles or ramen. I have crunchy noodles for the top. 

     My sister is picking me up at 8:15 to meet the friend and off we'll go to the blueberry farm about an hour away. We'll do a coffee/bakery stop too I imagine, but not sure if we'll wander into the couple quaint little towns that are nearby. I plan to pick enough for a double batch of jam, plus  more to  freeze for future baking-particularly a pie for DH's 60th birthday, a much bigger treat for him than a cake would be. I better hop in the showier-it's nearly 8:00. Enjoy your Saturday and rest of the weekend. Who knows with my erratic blogging when I'll talk t you next, but it will be soon. 


  1. Have fun blueberry picking! I was gifted a ton of blueberries this week and they are so delicious.

    1. After paying a small fortune, a gift of blieberries is a real treasure.

  2. Have a fantastic time today Sam, see you again soon! :)

    1. Nice company, delicious fruit, followed by lunch and a beer. Good times.

  3. Blueberry picking sounds so fun! Our blueberry plants are days away from being ready to pick, but I can't wait. Whenever I'm watering, I sample them. Delicious, even though they could use just a bit more time.

    We went out for dinner unexpectedly last night, taking advantage of being child free for the moment. Tonight we'll have steak & caprese salad. I can't get enough of the caprese with garden tomatoes & basil. Yum.

    M will be watching the Euro Cup tomorrow. I'll probably catch the highlights.

    1. It was alittle harder picking as there were a cluster of ripe, bu t then 4 X more not quite ready. If I hadn't spent so much, I might go back whn tey practiclaly fall off into the basket. Caprese sald is one of my favorites.

  4. I have the women’s final on and Ash Barty just won! Also watched a little Tour de France earlier. I love sports and seeing live action early in the morning. I enjoy playing tennis and I’m not terrible at it. Not saying I’m good at it either ;) Blueberry picking sounds fun. It’s my weekend to work (Saturday close and open to close Sunday) so no free time for me. I do plan on watching the McGregor fight tonight. UFC is my guiltiest of pleasures. JoAnn

    1. I caught the highlights only of the soccer and no tennis at all. No boxing or is that ultimate fighting-for me either.

  5. We used to eat Papa Murphy's fairly regularly when the kids were in elementary school. On Mondays, they had a Family Size special deal--can't remember the exact promotion, but I do know the order had to be placed before a certain time, so we'd arrange our trips into "town" around that, and I'd pop them in the oven when the kids got home from school. Turns out, though, regardless of toppings, I had some of the few kids I know who don't really enjoy pizza! Our favorite (using that term loosely) was veggie pizza with artichoke hearts. But NO olives, for the love of all that is holy, NO OLIVES, or tears would fall. Aaaaah, memories. (If we got the pizza home before the kids arrived, and olives had been mistakenly put on, I could pull them off before putting it in the oven without being found out. Seriously, you'd be surprised how many times they'd put olives on a "NO OLVIES" order, and DH would never think to check before bringing it home.) I think my favorite part of Papa Murphy's was the convenience of baking it when I chose.
    I have been in a meal slump, even with my goal being using stuff up for the move. I took out some BSCB earlier in the week, butterfly cut two, and made baked chicken with barbecue sauce, roasted potatoes, and applesauce. The applesauce was the highlight. Last night I used the other two breasts in risotto. No idea what I'm preparing tonight. One kid works, another is at a friend's, and still another has plans--I find it harder to cook for 2, or even 3 people than I do for 7.

    1. I dnt know if they still have, but for years a cheese, pepperoni, or sausage large was $5 M and Weds, I think aorun dher. Maye Tuesday as well ut they have a $10 Tuesday pizza deal as well. It was a great help when the kids had a lot of frineds around. Feeding 10 teenages for $20 inlcuding soda! I agree cooking for 2-3 is harder than a large crew.

  6. I used a weed eater and then vinegar on weeds in my rock garden. But, my smallest rock in my rock garden was about the size of a carryon. Well, I did not use the weedeater, someone else did that part. You reminded me I have blueberries thawed for a cobbler!

    1. Theres the make your own vinegar and Dawn I might try, but want all weed sremvoed first.

  7. people used to wonder what my grandpa did all day in his garden. When he could no longer go out to tend to it, everybody found out. the garden turned into a jungle in a matter of days with nobody doing the weeding. And ah! bluberries... I love them but despite the fact that they can be grown here, they are not popular so I sometimes buy the teeny tiny imported box of blueberries at a sky high price.

    1. I remember my dad's as well. So much work-you truly have to love gardening or prefer home grown to stores or makrets enough to tolerate the work.

  8. Blueberry picking sounds like a lot of fun! Not watching any sports lately which is unusual for our house but we've been busy. Today I took the kids out for a mommy- kids day as Bill was working. We went to a science museum about 45 minutes away and stopped at velvet ice cream on the way back home. It was a great day to spend with the kids.

    1. I need to borow a small person to get the lower berries next time. They were bigger and sweeter, but a back breaker.

  9. My husband and I picked blueberries this morning! I'm just pulling blueberry muffins out of the oven - will make a pie tomorrow (my husband's favorite).

    1. I froze enough for his pie in Auguat, and enough to do one recipe. I thought my picking owuld go farther!

  10. We have huge rock beds now and they are a pain. I cannot imagine removing the rock and putting down new cloth. Just the thought makes me crazy. Love your hostas.

    1. I'm not thrilled either, but something needs to be done and we need more rock.

  11. Your rock garden is beautiful, Sam. I hope you enjoy your trip to the blueberry farm. That is a great price for the Papa Murphy’s XLNY pizza.

    1. It's a bit lean, another reason for wanting to dig, put barrier down, and add more rocks. After 30 years, so many have een pushed into the soil.

  12. Yum on the blueberries! I'm sure your jam and blueberry pie will be delicious.
    Your flowers are beautiful.
    Hope you have a good week.

    1. the muffins were a hit, but other berries are forzen for the pie and jam.


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