Happy fall, 2021. Busy day ahead, but I still wanted to capture the thrifty thing of the week. Life goes on even when our bed is saying, just stay here and pull the covers up. Better that I still get going each day and live life making the most of what I have right? This is a combination list that covers how I tried to make good use of my time, resources, and money over the past week
- After our very expensive August, we got the Visa and all other bills paid, and still have black in the check book. We will be under our average monthly goal for savings this month, but I was expecting it after August.
- I picked up a coffee for DD1 and I for the drive into the city on Sunday and I had enough rewards for one cup to be free.
- While the treats were pricey at Veg Fest, I didn't spend as much as I had thought I would as with the heat, more food was not sounding good. We munched on veggies and hummus, and chips and salsa I had at home during the game for a frugal afternoon. I made mini pizzas from leftover sauce and cheese.
- When the power went out, DH just listened to the game with the car radio rather than head to a sports bar that still had power. Well, if it hadn't come on when it did, I think he would have headed into town, but the outage was under an hour total.
- I had wanted to make the PB, oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies, but needed to get dairy free butter. My daughter gave me one stick from her box, enough for the recipe, as she generally doesn't need all four sticks. She also had chocolate chips in a jar for quite a while and passed them on to me. I will get these made this weekend, baking some, but freezing most in ready to bake cookie dough balls. She has friends coming so I'll return he food items in the form of a plate of cookies.
- Poor DH-I haven't felt like cooking, but not feeling take out either, and still trying to have a frugal September. Well, he got chili dogs on Tuesday, ad last night a mash up of the remains of a chicken and vegetable soup from the freezer, that was so thick it was more like a stew, the last of the sausage meatballs, and canned green beans. Those two portions of leftovers thrown in the freezer really come in handy. Freezer assets!
- Saving time and money today by not driving in to the office as someone that lives close will take care of an issue on my behalf, and scan and email me the documents. This will save nearly two hours, and a few gallons of gas.
- Reserved my book club book-yay, we are starting up again-from the library to read by October 16th.
- Despite the cool nights and waking up to a cold house, we are not turning on the heat yet. I always hope to hold out until November 1, but DH usually caves by about the 20th of October.
- Resisted buying a bunch of fall décor and only bought a garland for my fireplace mantel, which I'll use year after year, and a mum plant. I am using what minimal items I already have and it is just enough to welcome fall. Honestly though, I may buy another mum or maybe two, as I love the color when I sit outside.
It was a typical week trying to be conscientious with our means. Being intentional helps me feel a bit more in control of my world, and recapping some of the success boosts my resolve to keep at it. I know this is how we will accomplish things that are important to us. Did you have any good wins this week? Any new ideas to share on how others can maximize their time, resources, and money?
Oh, it wasn't a great week on our side. We've hung in there, but will be at a soccer tournament all weekend, which inevitably will involve eating out. And, working too much again this week. So much too much. But, here we are.
ReplyDeleteI used frozen taco meat for one of our dinners, and we used up leftovers & garden produce items. So, a few small wins, I suppose. I also sold a few things on eBay. Line dried our clothes. Paid attention to how often we're using the dishwasher. Saved our shower water. I suppose those things help, but on weeks when we're not paying much attention to the bigger spends (eating out, my splurge of paying someone to clean the house for the first time in forever), it's hard to feel "frugal".
I must use taco meat I thawed three days ago tonight. It was supposed to be for a burrito bake, Maybe still will be. I just have been homebody so not spending too much, though I spurge don popcorn, since I appreciated the free movie on Monday.
DeleteI love those freezer assets too. They really do come in handy in a pinch. That’s great that your coworker can save you time and money on gas. I like it when that happens. This was our first cool morning at 53, we have the windows open and it feels so good at least for right now.
ReplyDeleteIt was a nice find-now I have to figure out what the other tings are tucked in the freezer but not labeled. I was happy that she was willing to do it-and will next week as well so likely I'll onl go in the office on October 4th.
DeleteLast night, the frozen pint jar with hotdogs, chili, and cheese came in handy when I was exhausted. If I had not frozen that, Tommy would have had just a salad, I suppose. I am trying to find a mum the color of yours as that is my favorite color mum.
ReplyDeleteYou were smart to think ahead.
DeleteI thought freezer assets was a cute way to put it.
ReplyDeleteNot my term-borrowed form Carol who has a living simply Facebook page. It is a good word for the finds that will make a meal.
DeleteWe do the 'let's see how late into the year we turn on the heat' game too.
ReplyDeleteSometimes we make it to January.
I can't imagine January in Minnesota-I'd sneeze icicles. But I'll be curious if you can do that.
DeleteI call my stuff in the freezer, freezer inventory. I think I like freezer assets better.
ReplyDeleteI like using the stuff in the freezer, but I feel bound to using it and become a little resentful when I don't get to buy whatever strikes my fancy at the grocery store. Petty? Definitely!
I used Carol's term from her Living Simply FB page. I'm the queen of petty this week, so I hear you. I have some unmarked things that need using up.
DeleteA few tiny wins this week. My sister in law gave my daughter a huge bag of makeup and beauty products that she received as a gift but wasn’t that interested in. Also found her Hoco shoes for $5. I finally got around to returning a few items to Walmart for cash back. Got a free sample in the mail-a bandaid. Couple freebies from Ibotta as well, crescent rolls, cookie dough, a coffee drink. Sent in a small tax bill early to save a few cents. I still have to call them on Monday because they sent my daughter a bill and she doesn’t qualify to have to pay it. I switched shifts at work to help someone out and managed to get a three day weekend out of the deal. I’m so excited about it and hoping to really get caught up on “stuff” around here. Most of Saturday is committed but I’m going to claim as much as I can as my time and meeting my needs, something I struggle with. JoAnn
ReplyDeleteI hope you do get that time for yourself. Homecoming was not a deal for dressing up in my kids school, and wit no rom attendees, I never had those expenses, but glad yo u had the win for make up and shoes.