Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday Free for All-Making My Own 4 Day Weekend

 I'm actually taking my flex da today and I took Monday as a vacation day. I had thought I might have to make the four hour trek north to get my kid moved home, but she thought ahead and took some things home at Easter, and said she likely to do a little purging as well. With no constraints or commitment, I'm declaring it my own 4 Day weekend. There's so many things I need to get done though and if we dare get any decent weather, some of it will be outside.

Outdoor Stuff

     Thank you to those that said I could have some luck getting the tulips to regrow next year. Now if the squirrels and rabbits decide to leave them alone, they might stand a chance. I won't go to the work of anything but perennials planting in the ground, but I will do  a few flower pots and baskets. I've got an odd assortment and want to "deck out" my deck. Since both labor and supplies are through the roof, it might be months or even next summer before the deck is pulled down and either replaced or a patio poured. But I love it out there. I think I'll move the lounge chairs to the lower part and the table and chairs to the upper. I'll play around and see what looks better, fees more comfortable. 

     At some point, DH has to make a decision about either hiring someone to take the tree down in the front, or get a buddy or two to help. I'm so sad about that the Maple. He was supposed to pick out what he wanted last year as part of fathers day, but didn't. I wont go another summer though with a dead tree in the front, and no new one planted. The only good thing is we'll have plenty of firewood, though it might not be dry enough this summer. That's another job-moving the fire pit farther to the left, and a few feet back into the yard. I think it is too close to a tree, plus, the way the yard slopes at the very back, makes it hard to get chairs around the fire pit. This very well could be our last summer with any kids at home. Who knows where the College Kid ends up after graduation, and I know she and her friends like hanging out at fires, and I like them hanging out here too. 

Bathroom Stuff

I'm not thrilled about choices for a  make shift cupboard, but I need something with doors to help as part of my make do  bathroom makeover. Again, due to prices and labor (and indecisiveness and fear of spending $15,000 by DH and not getting what we want), I'm thinking of ordering this or something like it.

      I'll get rid of the old table/tower  that I've sprayed painted so many times it is probably only  held together with paint, and put this in it's place. It has the same footprint, but also has doors that will let us store  unsightly extra rolls of TP, soap, a few hand towels etc. No more clutter sitting on open shelves. I think I will move the gray to the downstairs, paint some color from the existing shower curtain ( greens or blue), and the small two shelf stand in there, I'm going to paint  a still to be decided shade of  blue and bring to the cabin for a book shelf in our bedroom. I've sort of been looking for one-that will solve it. 

Food I'm Not Good at Making

     I know all of  you that rave about your potato salad might come at me with how you make yours, how it's perfect, and it's the easiest dish in the world to make. I beg to differ- your's maybe is terrific, but I don't think it's an easy dish to get right. I've had some really lousy potato salad and some really good stuff. My daughter and my MIL make  terrific potato salad. One of my sisters that thinks she makes good potato salad, does not. My mom didn't make good potato salad either, and I would have never said that to her, just like I don't say anything to my sister. They both like it the way they make it and I guess some others do too, so why hurt peoples feelings because I personally don't? It's not like I had to eat it when there was always  other salad options.

      I tried again yesterday, and while it was OK, it was not terrific potato salad. DH loves potato salad, and fortunately, is not that picky, though he'll share when one is really good, or just OK. Let's say, he appreciated my efforts and declared it, OK. I think some foods are just not meant to be mastered by everyone and that's just fine. In terms of potato salad, this is why deli counters exist.

Old TV Shows

     At my team meeting and then again at Trivia, we got off on tangents of old television shows. The first was sparked by my team  member that had been on vacation last week in New Orleans and part of their trip was an airboat ride. The boat captain fed gators marshmallows to open up real wide. This moved to another staff from Florida who shared as a child she'd be fishing and notice gators on a regular basis, but they were taught young to move it along! The show Gentle Ben came to mind, but of course only my 60 year old team member and I knew it. Here's the iconic opening. What's not to love about a bear on an airboat in the everglades?

     Her favorite was The Andy Griffith show. She started laughing remembering Barbie Fife. I don't know if I'd want to watch them all again, but bringing them up brought good memories of after school reruns and the treat of watching TV if home sick from school. It's funny to think what the 30 something's on my team and my kids thought old TV shows were. Bonus points for you all if you can find the link between Gentle Ben and Andy Griffith Show.

    That's my yammering about nothing much this Friday. What's come to your mind after reading my thoughts? 


  1. The common thread are the Howard boys....

  2. I just read The Boys written by Ron and Clint Howard so indeed, I know the answer lol. I was surprised to learn Ron actually was a mediocre student struggling in school! As for potato salad, only homemade for me and I don’t think I’ve ever had any I didn’t care for. We add pickle relish to ours to give it a little sweetness and mash the potatoes more than your photo. I have so many potatoes from my farm share, I might just make up a batch. However since it doesn’t freeze, I’ll have to eat several days I’m afraid. Have a nice 4 day weekend. I’m just finishing up all my April notes this AM. Nan

    1. I didn't make a huge batch, but we'll still be eating it tonight. I think I needed some acid in mine.

  3. Enjoy your four day weekend. I'm off today also and am looking forward to it.

  4. Hope you have a great 4 day weekend! Safe travels for your daughter, and I hope she has a fun summer. I love sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows. Good times!
    I don't think that I have ever heard of or watched Gentle Ben. I did watch the clip you posted, and isn't Clint Howard, Ron Howard's brother? I have watched reruns of Andy Griffith, and I find Barney annoying sometimes, and I can't stand to watch Gomer.
    I think we are actually going on a date tonight to see Everything everywhere all at once, and I'm so excited. It has been too long.

    1. Another winner for no prize. I do love a backyard fire. It's calming.

  5. I'm picky about potato salad. I steam my cut up taters. Boiled goes mushy and baked are too dry in my opinion. And I don't like it too wet. Hey, if you like it from the deli, don't sweat the small stuff!

    1. These were steamed potatoes and it worked well. The softness was perfect and no mush. It's the dressing I'm week on.

  6. Enjoy your four day weekend! Sounds blissful. I'm just wrecked tired after a very long week of full day meetings, followed by evening social events. Next week is quieter, but then on Friday we fly to San Diego for a family wedding, & I leave San Diego on Sunday & head to London for a work trip. It's going to be a long few weeks!

    1. Your travel schedule is back in full swing now isn't it. I hope you can find new balance.

  7. I remember that show, too. I sometimes watch the old Andy Griffith. I remember when my dd was in high school some old I Love Lucy shows were on, that of course, she never heard of. She loved them. I said the shows are still funny 60 years later. My memories growing up are my dad getting home early from work in the afternoon every so often and he got me watching Get Smart and My Favorite Martian. Good memories :)

    1. Lucy and Ethel in the candy manufacturer line- hilarious ,even now.

  8. I always think the key to good potato salad is that it isn't too dry. I do dice up my potatoes a bit more and when I make the dressing, I use a couple of good Tbs of yellow mustard and a Tbs of spicy mustard. My grandmother always put in a couple of tsps of sugar and a little bit of milk to loosen it up. I've also added plain yogurt that needed to be used up. I hope you have a great 4 day weekend. Fingers crossed on the weather, as you know it's been a bit dodgy lately.

    1. It poured all over night. Loud and constant. I could have gone smaller on potatoes but it's my dressing that needs help. The potatoes were good themselves.

  9. I watched Andy Griffith in reruns long !ago. I know of Gentle Ben, but have not seen it or else I've forgotten it. I make terrible potato salad! Overcooked potatoes, mushy, either too dry or glopped with dressing. The deli at the local co-op is my friend for this!

    1. I've got the potato part down, use my steamer. I agree sauce is the key and I've yet to master.

  10. Renovations are definitely costly, but a refresh is definitely nice when one isn't entirely certain what they want.

    My potato salad isn't as good as my mom's but decent. I use dry mustard in mine, and Miracle Whip instead of mayo. My son isn't a big fan so I don't make it often - I've never learned to make a small batch.

    Have a lovely 4 day weekend!

    1. If you've read my posts for a while, you'll know I'm a huge no on Miracle Whip in my house, so wouldn't make it your way. However, I think I'll try try mustard and a bit more acid next time. It get from the deli.

  11. Tommy knew that Clint Howard was in Gentle Ben. I keep hearing about oldies songs and old tv shows and it turns out people are talking about the 80s! No, no, no.
    I pretty much only like my potato salad. I eat other potato salads and don't like most of them. I never offer they are not good. This last week or so I made the first potato salad I have made in years. It was not good, but I was too ill to get up and fix it. I do know chopped gherkins and dills would have been better than the relish I used.

    Other (most)people who bring food to church dinners make awful potato salad by having crunchy potatoes or boiled eggs not completely done! Tommy dipped up potato salad to my horror since he hates potato salad. He thought it was mashed potatoes, it was that mushy! I had to laugh at home when he told me that.

    1. I figured you were particular about your potato salad. Mushy potatoes ruin it from the get go.

  12. We’re off to the university at the crack of dawn for orientation. Weather looks stellar and she doesn’t know it yet, but my dad is paying for the heavy duty rain coat with the school logo that she’s had her eye on. Sunday we’ll be scrambling for last minute prom jewelry and who knows what else. I watched the NFL draft last night. Steelers drafted the Quarterback out of Pitt, which was very exciting and I found my other new favorite player, Garrett Wilson, drafted by the Jets, wore a pearl necklace with his suit. What a statement! I loved seeing all the big smiles and happy families. JoAnn

    1. That is such a sweet thing for your dad to do! Hope it was on sale- end of school year. My daughter's book store has 20% off everything this weekend for move out and graduation.

    2. It was 15% off for orientation :) He really is the sweetest. You should have seen his face light up when I said we’ll go visit her once she’s settled in.

  13. I vaguely remember Gentle Ben (it's Ron Howard that's the connection, isn't it?). Glad you're taking a 4 day weekend, Sam - enjoy!

  14. I'm glad that you're treating yourself to a long weekend, I hope you enjoy every minute.
    I'm not familiar with those shoes, My dad loathed American TV but he tolerated Starsky and Hutch! xxx

    1. Or did he hate American pop culture? Some shows were horrendous, but others pretty fair. Starsky and Hutch falls into the horrendous category when I think back. I'd never watch an old episode.

  15. That was shows - not shoes!

  16. I like the look of that piece of furniture - I can see it in my mind's eye in a light blue or green chalk paint!

    1. Possibly. I'll probably leave white for a while.

  17. I thank you for sharing your potato salad matter. There are a bunch of things I just can't seem to make well, so these I buy.


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