Friday, September 2, 2022

Friday Free for All- Morning Quiet

      No theme of the day as it's a free for all. DS arrived yesterday late afternoon. We had a good night catching up. It's early and everyone's asleep, even pup. He's feeling a bit under the weather again. A little anxious with people comings and goings. He's not used to DD1 not being here, after enjoying her for much of the summer. Now he'll bond with my son, but then he'll go home. One more of his kids leaving him on Wednesday. He was living his best life though when my son came with for his walk. 

     I'm taking each day as they come. I'm not sure why, but I've had a lot of anxiousness this week. I guess I'm like pup; my brain isn't handling all the changes, even though they're happy things, this week. I suppose I'm letting work get to me too, even though I'm not there. I've had a couple bouts of sleeplessness wondering what might be going wrong. I'm finding activity helps when the anxiousness peaks. I cleaned a drawer out that wasn't on my list Monday but happy to have it done. After my daughter left for work Wednesday, I took pup to the park by the water falls. Walking and hearing both the mill and the water was a good distraction. We were there late enough that the sun was starting to go down. It's so early now.

     I wish we truly had switches to turn on and off parts of the brain. DH has tomorrow off. He'll struggle to turn off that part completely but I hope he can. These days are too precious to let the insignificance of other people's priorities creep in on our well earned time off. For many in the US it's an extra day weekend. It's time for me to shake these cobwebs, strange dreams, and robbing thoughts. Enjoy your Friday and the rest of the weekend. 


  1. Yes please try to not think about work at all. It's your time for family now.

  2. Oh, I’m so happy for you that your son is home! I know it’s been a while and I. Glad he got there safe and sound!

  3. Wishing you peace during this time with your family. Work worries can wait!

  4. Yay, your son in home!!! Wonderful! Cindy in the South

  5. I am happy for you that your son is home. Let me know when they install an off switch for the brain so I can get some sleep.

  6. Have a WONDERFUL time with your son!!!!

  7. Any time with your children is special!

  8. I've been feeling the same way. I wonder if it's the time of year?

  9. I am practicing daily down times of meditation to try to turn off my brain.


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