Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Saturday Poke About in Pictures

I got housework done in the morning, and then set out to run a few errands, poke about town, and practice my mad photography skills. Saturday was glorious. Mild temps, perfect for a light weight sweater, and loads of sun. If you had this dream like weather where you are, I hope you got out and enjoyed it.

I was hoping there still might be some local zucchini left so stopped by our little farmers market that sets up Thursday and Saturday mornings. The last of the green beans and tomatoes were out, plus lots of root vegetables and squashes, but no zucchini. Pumpkins and apples , plus homemade jarred salsas and jams, plus local honey was available. The Great Harvest Bread Co. was there too, but nearly sold out as I got there shortly before closing. 

At the other end of the parking lot is a small garden center the pharmacy and gift store opens up each summer to fall. All fall decor was 40% off, Christmas 30% and they had their Tera cota and ceramic pots 50% off. I would have loved to pick up a couple as we pulled dead shrubs in front, and these would be a nice change for a couple bare spots. I did by a set of seven pumpkins that spell out "harvest" to put on the fireplace mantle. I know, I'm supposed to be purging, but they were calling to me to come home. They had cider samples and pumpkin dip samples to entice shoppers to buy some mixes. I found both too sweet for my liking, so passed, despite the 40% off. 

I had a walk and passed the corn drying, waiting to be cut, sorted, and stored for feed. I love the look of the drying corn stalks and couldn't resist a picture of the corn up close. 

This was a kind of day that my mom and dad and sister would have loved. Very uncharacteristically of me, on a whim I drove into the cemetery to share a bit of my day. A couple of my sisters and brother regularly visit and clean up the potted plants by my parents and sister and brother in laws markers. With a hard frost, the flowers will probably die, but Saturday, they were lovely.

The cemetery over looks a small lake that is a run off of the Mississippi. It would be a steep walk down and there is not access, but a picture worthy view. There were a couple wild turkeys, but were too shy because as soon as I went to try and snap a picture, they ducked behind a tree or a clump of brush. 
It was a perfect Saturday to poke around downtown. I popped into a couple stores, but mostly did some window shopping. The jewelry store had some Halloween blow-ups outside, and one of the antique shops and the toy store were getting their Minnesota sports fever on. The last picture I snapped inside an upcycling store. Notice the ski/coat hanger on the wall? That one was sold, and she didn't have anymore wood water ski's at the moment, but I thought it was very clever. She was OK with me taking the picture so I had something to show others. I'm going to keep my eye open for an old water ski to try and replicate, or bring to her to have her make one for the lake. It would be perfect either in the kids loft or the boat house.

So that was my wandering around my town on Saturday. Nothing exciting, but it was a nice break from the hectic work week and a chance to play with my camera. I was home early afternoon to have lunch with DD2 and get the last of the laundry done. It was a productively lazy day. 


  1. I am at the lake place as I read this. I want/need a wooden ski now! Thanks for sharing your pictures of your day.

    1. DH pointed out it was a cross country ski-whoops, but same point. It was clever.

  2. Love seeing the pictures of your "poke about town". Very cute. We spent the day watching soccer & then going on a date, which was lovely.

    1. Its a cute town with good places to wander. I needed a play day with the camera and that was fun.

  3. Poking around days are the absolute best. I need a poking around day.
    Thank you for sharing your day out.

    1. I'll do more this fall,some antique stores perhaps. I have a day with my sisters in November. You should give yourself a few hours.

    2. I have a list of local towns that I want to poke around in but never seem to get there. Hmmmm, me thinks this needs to change.

    3. Poking around can be a very frugal thing-the budget can be virtually nothing (unless cute fall decorations you do not need call out to you to bring them home like they did to me. Other than gas to get to a nearby town, I can pack a little snack, a thermos, and be good for a whole morning or afternoon. I intend to do more of this.

  4. I love poke about days too :) That wooden ski idea is inspired - I love it! It was a nice sunny day here too though on the cool side. I was able to wear my new Irish sweater for the first time!

    1. While I love summer, I equally like sunny sweater days that are warm enough to be outside.


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