Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween Aftermath

Where the heck were the trick or treaters last night? I plan for at least 100 and even cold years I've had at least 70. It was really cold last night, but no wind and no precipitation so with a hat and gloves, not too bad at all for running house to house. I bet I got no more than 30 kiddos. The last crop came about 7:45. I never turn off lights until I run out of candy. I didn't get any late middle or high schoolers. I'm happy to give candy to teens that still retained enough child like qualities to trick or treat. I've never had a rude teen and last nights were pretty fun, thanking me profusely. I sent them off telling them to send a few friends over. I've heard the stories of the van loads of kids that go from one end of a street to another, essentially filling bags to dump that then get resold. My neighborhood is not the type that would work.

The 7:45 bunch got handfuls. I have 1/2 a bucket filled and four unopened bags of candy. DH is happy because I set the peanut butter cups aside-2 bags. DD2 is happy because I set aside a bag of Kit-Kats. I think the last unopened might be Milky Way. 

I'll load up the treat basket at work, though I bet others will do the same. Now I need to avoid it, though not a hard thing to do the first week or so after Halloween. I'm pretty treated out by this time. I treat myself while handing out-quality control of course. Today, the only treats I want is a new toothbrush and a tangy, crunchy apple. 

A few pictures of Halloween past.



  1. Golly, trick or treat must be big with you! I had one group of three (plus mum)and one very small girl, also plus mum.

    1. I've loved Halloween. Great memories from my childhood and from my own children's. I saw the young ones from next door-4 of the five youngest (they have a newborn as well plus four older children-9 in total though 2 are out of the house)so that was fun. We might be in a transition again with our neighborhood, but 30 is unacceptably too low. i'll have ot put a sign up next year.

  2. We had 66 last year although that was a Saturday but only about 30 last night. We too have way too much candy left over and we work from home so likely I will tuck it away until pms hits :)

    1. Maybe it is losing it's appeal to kids. The community parties and such are big, and perhaps doing both is just not something kids or parents want to do. I have happy family members with the extra-will freeze most of the unopened bags for the holidays. Found a bag of Snickers too-Snicker salad!

  3. Every one I talked to so far has said 1/2 the trick or treaters they usually have. Maybe the holiday is shifting more to parties? I love Halloween but I think it is becoming way over done, maybe others feel the same way?

    1. Several friends that work in town or are home in the afternoon said they had kids earlier than other years. I maybe missed a large number.

  4. Cute pictures of Halloween Past! I had about the same number of kids as I normally do. I think I had 78 this year, which is about the norm. When houses in my neighborhood sell it is almost always to someone with kids, so as the older kids outgrow the holiday there is a new batch coming.

    1. My neighborhood could be in a little flux as well-teens and college kids, fewer toddlers and elementary age, but probably will swing again.


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