Sunday, October 28, 2018

Blogging is Humbling

This week, not unlike most it seems, was filled with senseless hate and violence. When it seems to hit closer to home, I pause a bit more, but still feel helpless. I guess what we all can do is to continue to do our part in being the best of what humans can be-not get caught up in the worst. While I am unhappy with decisions that many of our politicians and elected officials make, how they talk, declaring hate towards them would make me no different than those that take their hate to violence, short of mailing bombs or pulling triggers.

Blogging, like I do, keeps me humble. I make loads of choices in trying to live a life that would make my parents and grand parents proud. I try to be an ethical consumer, share my abundance, and be a good wife, mom, family member and friend. I write about my experience, which is just mine, hoping to strike up conversations. Do I agree with the take on my posts from everyone? Of course not as I see the world a bit different. As long as someone comments without being mean, rude, or disrespectful, I love when dissenting opinions show up. That's how people learn, question their own beliefs, and may or may not change their own opinion or actions. Of course, my little blog isn't going to raise the radar on national or international events. Still, it has merit, I like to think, as written by one humble person, to others, to find kindred souls. The best relationships aren't rubber stamps of each persons thoughts and actions. Rather, they challenge each to be the best. 

I'll get back to writing about my thrift or attempts, my aspirations for saving for specific purposes, creative (think lean cupboards) cooking, and various rants on some silliness I find.Thank you for reading. I hope you will come back, comment often, and help keep me humble.


  1. Thank you for your blog, I SO enjoy reading it!
    In a mixed up world, it is nice to have a place where one is allowed to focus on some shared values (thriftiness) and still be able to, respectlly voice one's own point of view.
    I especially enjoy reading about your travel adventures. Thrift is fun when you are saving for a goal, like a memory making family trip.

    1. I'd like to write more about travel adventures-which is why I need to be thrifty elsewhere!

  2. I love reading your blog. I always find it interesting. I find you interesting.

    1. Well, I don't know that's so true, but I sure see to have a lot to mouth off about!


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