Tuesday, November 27, 2018

December Goals-Positively Tuesday

I'm starting to think about goals for 2019, which health, money, and social connectedness will be heavily featured. Still, there are weeks until the calendar changes- I need to stay present and focus on each day and week as it comes. Setting some little goals for December, challenges but not too far of a stretch, is important to me in ending my 2018 with positive momentum. I already shared my calendar, quite socially focused with friends and family, but there is room for a few inward focused goals.I'm writing this after a nice get together with a couple coworkers and a former coworker after  a nice glass of cab, and good motivational conversation. I feel my list may be loftier than attainable, but none the less, here is what I hope to bite off in December. 

  1. Try a new recipe and blog about it. 
  2. Read a book for fun, even if it is one I already have read. 
  3. Write towards completing my book at least 10 hours cumulatively.
  4. Limit TV/streaming/YouTube to not more than 6 hours during the week, and 6 total on weekends. There is just too much other stuff to do in December, and if I have a free night, going to bed early would be a good thing. 
  5. Other than a holiday lunch for my team, my gift to them, no eating out or morning coffee stops. 
  6. Cook two meals at once at least once per week. 
  7. Pack and actually eat, two servings of fruit and veg to my lunch each day.
  8. Add a midday outside walk, every day if possible, even if only around the building. My body craves some natural light when I leave and come home in the dark.
  9. Fit in a 10-15 minute yoga video in at least 2 times per week, This has gone by the wayside and by body feels it. 
  10. Not gain any weight. I'm frustrated with myself for putting back on the five pounds lost on vacation, and being so close to the weight again I was two years ago, my heaviest. 2019 has to be the year I get my weight in check. Holding steady at least in December, despite the treats and calorie laden food, will boost my confidence heading into January. 
There is a mix of self-help, healthy lifestyle, and money savings in the list. These are little bites to take, building momentum for 2019 being one of deliberate and focused goals and a dramatically different lifestyle.  I'll start these this week and  use my Tuesday posts in December to let you know my progress and to keep me honest.


  1. These are great/actionable goals! I need to get back into my dairy free eating in December. I was sloppy on vacation, and can definitely feel the difference!

    1. they all should be achievable-and keep me in a better mind set as the days get darker. Good luck to you as well.

  2. I love your list, so much in fact that I am going to make it a personal challenge to myself to complete those goals! I think the one that will be toughest for me is #4, limiting YouTube. I'm not a big TV watcher, other than football during the season and The Big Bang Theory, that's about all I watch, but YouTube is another story! Great post and hope that you don't mind that I borrow it! Good luck!

    1. It's easy to get hooked on youtube isn't it!

    2. Borrow away-we can keep each other accountable! So many good things are on YouTube. Though, I've discovered I like Pod casts as well, and with those, I can be doing other things while listening-I hope to add more pod casts and less watching of content.

  3. Your list is fantastic. I am going to make my own. I have to have something to occupy the long nights until the daylight starts lengthening again.

  4. I thought the French part was the kind of bread used. Maybe? Not sure.
    I'm trying to not watch anything til after dinner but it's so hard - i'm late to watching youtube but now am hooked! You can find ANYthing!

    1. Maybe that's why it was originally called French toast, though from what we had for bread in France, I don't think it would work so well how I make French toast. tiny little discs.


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