Friday, December 28, 2018

Frugal Friday and Frugal Time Management

I am very off on in my head as to what day of the week it is. I worked yesterday and it felt like a Monday, so will today feel like Friday...or Tuesday? I missed doing my Thrifty Thursday, though with Christmas and my son here, I didn't have so many wins. I thought I would add a little thrifty or frugal time elements as well as well to round out my week. Saving and maximizing my time is as beneficial to my life as saving pennies. Let's start with a couple of those and move into money.

  • Last night DD2 informed me her friend was coming to our house to work on their project. I looked around at the mess and clutter and made a decision that I would clean quick rooms that really were in need of a clean, and just a quick general tidy of the post Christmas chaos until I have room to do a proper sort and clear out of old. I did a speed clean of the bathrooms, spraying all the surfaces own, while then tidying up other rooms and the dishes left in the sink last night. While I'll clean the bathrooms much more thoroughly Saturday morning, they and the family room where they will work are at least usable and they will have space. I wish I would always use this technique as overall, the house would be in less chaos, and I only spent 45 minutes. 
  • On Friday, I used my task list, grocery list, and wrapping list and took advantage of no one in the house to execute my plan. While it was my flex day anyway, if you have an opportunity to have a totally clear house, even if using a vacation day, take it! I am so much more productive when no one is around to interrupt. 
  • DH ran to the store and I overspent my household and grocery budget, but we are still eating leftovers, plus, I have some specialty goodies for New Year's eve so will not be spending anything more the rest of the month/year. 
  • At the after Christmas sales, I got one complete birthday gift, and three partial gifts for my niece and nephews April and August birthdays that I'll later add money or another items to, for 50% off. I try to stay around $20, so these gift will help me reduce that spend later. 
  • I bought nuts, packaged in Christmas décor, for half off. DH and DD1 eat a lot of nuts and it is irrelevant that the package is Christmas festive as they get eaten out of bowls or repackaged for snacks.
That's what I remember this week for time and money savings. I'll keep telling myself it is Friday-just one work day, and a short week next week as well. We had rain and then temperature drops so I'm a little worried about my drive to work. Wish me God's speed. Please share and link to your frugal wins for the past week in the comments. 


  1. Yesterday was my day to "strike the house." I decorate early for some--usually after Thanksgiving dinner, sometimes even the night before, but can't stand them up for long after Christmas Day. It saddens me. It was a long day of work. We decided our artificial tree was getting the heave ho--it had seen better days, so it didn't seem worth it to take it along on our move. I also culled a lot of my decorations. Anything broken was tossed, as well as things that were in sad shape or I really didn't care for. After striking the house, I did a deep clean of the living areas. I also cleaned all the bathrooms. I have to scrub the master shower, but I confess that's a job I have been putting off for several weeks. I planned on doing it, but by the time I got to it, I decided just to take a shower instead!
    Tonight's dinner is going to be hot roast beef sandwiches with leftover rib roast, and leftover chocolate cheesecake, or fruitcake for dessert. I will probably choose the fruitcake, as that's a true once/year treat. I doubt I will purchase the sale price fruit this year, given our move. I also didn't partake of after Christmas sales, save for two HUGE rolls of wrapping paper for $0.50 which youngest fell in love with. I think I will stay out of Rite Aid when the 75% off sale hits.
    I find I can be more frugal when I have less possessions and clutter. I also feel like I have more time. I have enjoyed "lightening up the load" preparing for this move. I just wish all my kids would get on board. I think when we move, I am going to leave boxes we don't unpack in the garage. If they are still there by summer, they are getting donated, because obviously we didn't need the stuff.

    1. I am sure there are unopened boxes that came from our house 28 years ago in our move. You have a great declutter plan. I admit I am getting tired of leftovers, but remembering no waste mantra. Enjoy your fruit cake.

  2. It is nice to have some alone time to get what needs to be done, done. I am much better with no interruptions too.
    I am usually ok about overspending on food, since we will eat it anyway. And I agree about the holiday food packaging. Who cares what it is wrapped in. I'll take 50 percent off everyday.

    1. I was still looking for napkins and ribbon so a stop at Target and 1/2 price summer sausages and Milano cookies, my youngests favorite left.

  3. I'm already finding it more difficult to realize which day of the week it is. I suppose at work I always had my diary staring at me and now I don't, although I will always keep a paper diary. It's a bit discombobulating (sp?) having a holiday in the middle of the week though isn't it!

    1. You'll get a new rhythm nut how liberating to not be tied to calendar.


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