Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

A joy and I'll admit it, a sadness of having kids all grown up-the late sleep in on Christmas morning. We did out family Christmas on Sunday as DD1 and DH worked on Christmas Eve, and I didn't want DD1 to have to schlep across town this morning, only to turn around another hour later to schlep the other direction to my mother-in-law's. There still is a Christmas stocking for DD2 with a couple trinkets to unwrap, but she's still soundly asleep at 8:12. I've been up since about 7:00, preparing the potatoes for the oven-need to go in by 9:45, and salad dressing. I'm debating making an appetizer to bring along as there is always plenty of food, and I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed with it all. My ham was delicious yesterday, though because I nibbled on it during the day, and knowing ham is also on todays menu, I had some of the pulled beef my sister made, skipping the bun. So far, Christmas has been a happy and casual time, and I am well braced for my in-law filled day. 

I'm mostly on line to catch-up with some reading of other blogs, so not much to talk about with you all. I loved having all three of my kids for Christmas, and know I was blessed that it was so. Someday we may all be in different places, and that will be good and right as it means they are pursuing a life of their own making, building new connections and memories. I hope for them that they know they are always in my heart no matter their location and that my home is always there for them when life brings them close.To you and yours, no matter where on the globe you are spending this day, Merry Christmas.


  1. Merry Christmas Sam! Enjoy your family time, even the in-law time. ;-)

    1. It was a good day-even at the in-laws. We played a sort of White elephant gift game swap that got kind of funny with trading for silly items.

  2. Merry Christmas. I really enjoy reading all your posts and how you keep it real! Yes, cherish the holiday times that you have with your family. I have no family, recently retired from nursing. I used to volunteer to work every Christmas so those with children and families could be together. So this one is a little tough for me. I am not usually lonely, but even though I have been invited to many places, Christmas is for families, so I will just stay in. Just feeling quite alOne today, but it is just a day and many are far worse off than I am and I have so much to be thankful for. Keep working towards your retirement. It is wonderful. I worked in nursing administration in an acute care setting for 42+ years.
    Life is so much less stressful and exciting now. I did not realize how burnt out I was. Merry Christmas!

    1. Aww Karen you would have been welcome at our gsthering! I called my cousin who lives several states away and she was alone all day- she was recovering from a bad cold and didn't want to drive to see her kids who live 7 ot 8 hours away in different directions and she was fine with it. I know Christmas is tough for many. Enjoy your retirement.

    2. Karen,

      You are a kind and thoughtful soul to volunteer so others could have the day off. Remember though, family is in the heart as much as blood lines. Those that invited you probably feel you are like their family-I know I have those in my life that I feel that way about.

  3. A quiet reflective day here for us as well. Once we left our respective childhood homes and Christmas became too commercialized we chose to spend the day as any other. Great fun for each other, the 3 pups and the cat in a house we love.

    1. The morning was quiet and reflective, but the rest of the day was a whirlwind at my Mother-in-law's, but fun. I'm resigned that Christmas day and eve for a while will be part of extended family, which is why our simple Sunday with just my immediate family was so special.

  4. That's a lovely photo Sam so enjoy it while you can. Time moves on so do our kids Much love and blessings to you and your family in 2019. Anna

    1. I'm getting more OK with that. As my children's lives change, that means they are creating a life that works for them, but I know each loves us as parents, their siblings, the family they grew up with. It does not have to be expressed just at Christmas.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family! You are so right about time and distance in families. Son1 and family were in Oregon today and Son3 and wife were in Sweden, but through the miracle of Facetime we were able to enjoy some Christmas with both of them.

    1. That's lovely Anne! I'm sure Pip had lots to tell you about her Christmas. The days is just a mark on the calendar, but the feeling with our family is everlasting.

  6. Replies
    1. Merry Christmas to you, Rachel and to your beautiful little family.

  7. That's a nice picture- you should frame it! We had a nice holiday too- my middle and youngest adult kids weren't here but we talked to them also and they were getting togetherlater since both live in San Fran. I donlt think my son has been here for Christmas for over 10 years so I'm used to it. Prime rib was delicious and if I do say so, cooked perfectly. I keeep a log year to year and I think if I buy an 8 pounder, I have it down (providing the oven never changes and my thermometer keeps working LOL). Now I'm ready to get back to work today but hopefully won't have too much to do this week. I might even see if there are any good sales!

    1. That is sweet that your two children could get together. IN 2014, my older kids shared for a short time, an apartment in Los Angeles. The year before one was in Florida and the other in England so had friends Christmas. Still, it was our hearts together, which made it special still. I'd like to find heap ribbon and bows as that is what I did not have enough of this year, but I do not need more wrapping paper. I could use Christmas napkins as well, but I won't go crazy!

  8. Merry Christmas! What a beautiful family! =)

    1. I'm fond of them! I hope your days were special as well.

  9. I was thinking yesterday how grateful I am that my parents are still with us & healthy enough to celebrate. It's easy to take it for granted. I've never missed a Christmas with them, and feel so lucky. I know things we'll change over the next ten years, both in terms of their health & my own kids & their changing priorities, so I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

    Sounds like a fabulous Christmas with the people you care the most about.

    1. It was overall. I needed to give some extra support and cre to someone though that was struggling a bit with the overwhelmingness of too much family and feeling less than wonderful about herself. Time is a precious gift.

  10. You are such a truly rich woman to have three wonderful kids! I can only imagine how empty the house feels when they all leave to start their own life. Thank goodness for hobbies! :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!!!

    1. Our youngest keeps us busy but life will change nect year. I just want them to make happy lives of their own. Yes, I am very rich.


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