Friday, July 19, 2019

Plans That Don't Stick Kind of Plans

The plan had been for DD2 and I to go to the lake tomorrow morning, be part of the little family reunion thing my mother-in-law is hosting, and leave early evening. DH was coming up after work. He'd stay through Sunday. We were going to head to her college town to explore on Sunday, a four hour drive, then have a night at the pool. Now, she is going camping with friends and won't be back until noon on Sunday. I'm going to hopefully do the farmers market with my older daughter, and still go to the lake, but now more like mid afternoon. I committed to bringing a crock pot of Sloppy Joe's. I won't worry about Sunday-DH can figure that out, eat what is leftover from Saturday or run into town for more food. Since now we won't be able to leave Sunday until close to 1:00, we won't arrive at her college town until nearly 5:00. We'll still explore a bit but not for the afternoon as I had intended. Instead, we'll stay later on Monday, though I'd still like to leave no later than 5:00 p.m. so it isn't so late when we get home. 

DH really wanted to go out for dinner last night. We at least went where one meal was 1/2 off. DD2 didn't want to come as she had been out bowling and eating pizza earlier, but was hungry when we get back. She ended up grabbing sushi form the deli near our house. Frugal what? Wasn't yesterday just Thrifty Thursday? Well, I'm packing some PB&J sandwiches, water, and snacks for Sunday and Monday and hope to cut some of the weekend  spending. It is our towns River Days, but I plan to not do much. Maybe DD2 and I will wander the craft fair a bit after the farmers market. I had offered to help with a stint at the Art Center (where DD2 took violin) sale, but she has enough help in the morning. I was sort of relieved to have my morning back. 

Plans today are to play on this site writing and reading for a bit. I'll tackle the house for a couple hours and get the laundry folded that has been started and what was left unfolded earlier in the week. I have short wrap up of a work project, but needed to give reviewers a chance for final comments, so need to log on mid afternoon. DD2 finished the thank you's so I'll help her finalize the addresses so she can get in the mail when she gets home from work. There's a few other errands that need running as well before diner. If it is not too humid, might try reading outside for a bit. I realize I started this paragraph with the word "plans." Yeah, lately that has been a sort of oxymoronic word, as nothing seems to stick these days. 


  1. I always plan the night before and by noon they are usually out the window.

    1. That's what life has felt like lately. I used to feel so organized.

  2. I just did my laundry yesterday and got it folded and put away today, so glad that's done. I let my daughter run the errands yesterday as it is too hot and humid and I would rather stay in. I'm just glad she likes doing them. I hope you have a good weekend The sloppy joes sound good. :)

    1. I ended up not leaving the house yesterday at all and ran my errands this morning. It was so hot and sticky it would have been miserable in the car. Even though this morning I ran them in pouring rain at least no need for air conditioning.

  3. Plans during the summer sure change often and easily! Right now weather is our biggest deciding factor. We have made and cancelled several plans due to heat or storms. My son's summer work makes him unavailable for a lot of things. He is in the midst of working 12 days straight, between two jobs. My schedule is never consistent and i've been working a lot of weekends simply because other people request off so many days. Definitely feel like we are in a rut and haven't gotten a chance to enjoy summer. Even my backyard is still coated in a thin, dusty layer of mud and I have no desire to sit out there. Currently curled up in the AC with a blanket and a hot coffee. Feels like winter:/

    1. I know DH gets annoyed that so many of these family things get schedule don Saturday. It's odd because my FIL used to work Saturdays until retired, so they always avoided them, but now they schedule and then wonder why we don't show up to so many things. He isn't about to take precious vacation time to see relatives he hasn't seen in 10 or 20 years at the expenses of his immediate needs for time off with his own family.

  4. The best laid plans of mice and (wo)men eh! Because I am no longer sitting at a desk all day (with my diary in front of me) I also make a list the night before of everything I want to get done the next day. While it's not perfect I do get a lot done, otherwise procrastination would win the day. But that's not taking into account other people's plans is it - sometimes you just have to go with the flow!

    1. I think it is important that my daughter does these things with her friends. At most, she'll be home a week in October and then at Thanksgiving. Her friends breaks may be totally different form hers. I can be flexible where schedule warrants.

  5. Plans are hard to achieve when one other person is involved, much less three or four and organizations.

    1. That is true, and as I said to Treaders, I'll be flexible when able or it doesn't make a difference, but I'm not jumping through hoops any longer for extended family that really don't take our schedule into consideration-just plan and think it should work. .


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