Friday, March 27, 2020

More Changes and Staying Put


     Minnesota now has the Stay at Home, same intent as Shelter in Place, or Safer at Home as they are using in Wisconsin, effective 11:59 tonight until April 10, two weeks. I'll have a few call center shifts, one scheduled tomorrow morning, but otherwise, except for walks and minimal errands for groceries and supplies, we will be staying put. As DD1 does not live in our house, technically she is not supposed to be here, and I guess there could be enforcement. We can still meet for walks at parks as long as we practice the social distancing. I'm not going to lie, I'm having some "wobbles" here and there, but not anymore than anyone else. My picture of choice is to remind me life is still good, filled with wine and chocolate.

     We want to order takeout at some point this weekend-maybe fish tonight as both DH and DD2 love the Friday fish fries-trying to do our little bit to support the local businesses. I know many folks are making homemade masks. While there seems to be some debate over if they can be used or not, it is a local nursing group requesting, so I'm going to to go with they are legitimate if directions followed. I'm not a sewer, but several friends are and there is a local seamstress/supply shop that is organizing the disbursement of the materials. I'm sending her a little donation to put towards the cost of the supplies. Again, doing my little part, but mostly staying home.

     Our Employee Benefits and Employee Assistance Program, EAP, have on-line resources and classes to help people manage challenging times. I have them book marked! Mostly, I think if I can be productive, and lord knows there is so much to get done in this house, and get a lot of outdoor time, I personally should be OK as I am still working full time. My older daughter took my hard drive home with her and is going to look at various snippets of video we have from our trip two summers ago, and even some video college kid took in the London eye in 2014. She'll see what she can do with it-maybe a nice travel montage.

     I think for a short while once the crisis is done, our world might start looking more insular again, as foreign travel is pushed back either out of fear or lack of funds. There's still ample amount of places in the United States I've never seen, so while I loved our trips out of the country, most likely we will be domestic vacationers when that part of life can resume, at least in the next couple years. I wonder how study abroad programs will be impacted, as DD2 looks forward to her junior year opportunities. Until then, well just be armchair travelers, which is why a little video project from my daughter would be so appreciated.

     Well I have a staff meeting-may even be done by the time this gets posted, so need to wrap this up. We'll make one store run, and maybe score the elusive pack of toilet paper. We also want some water color and painting paper/drawing pad. That will be good for the other two in my house. I hope you are staying healthy, have the supplies and provisions you need, including good mental stimulation.


  1. I wish you were closer, because we found TP at Costco, and bought a pack to donate (neighbors or a food bank).

    Every day, my to do list includes mental & physical care, as well as an item off of our "make the shelter in place feel like a win" list. It helps somewhat, but is not perfect.

    We have plenty of supplies, and feel grateful for that for sure.

    1. I have banner news to share in my next post! I think I get wore out a bit because I am fielding so many of the "what about" calls for my program, and need to keep my shoulders broad for the call center. It just gets a bit draining.

    2. My work has increased as well (totally different industry) and just a lot of uncertainty &team questions right now. It is very hard for me to focus during this time, but I'm grateful for our employment, so just keep prioritizing & focusing on the few things I can accomplish each day. It's by no means perfect at all

    3. I'm so grateful to be working and from home. Call center is very well sanitized, and I even grab a wipe to get back to car. I'm happy to take an extra shift.

  2. Still the same-o same-o here. Our state is now in a "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" state. A local sheriff's office had to put out a press release saying words to the effect of "Please don't call 911 for information, or to report the neighbor's kids playing basketball in their driveway. You sheriff is not going to be driving around, looking to pick people up for being out with their families walking their dogs."
    Other than my frustration with the school (which I would have regardless) I am really enjoying this time. But, we're pretty content anyway. My kids, two more than others, are a bit at sixes and sevens. I finally had to tell a pair of them that if boredom was the problem, I could find plenty for them to do.
    If my parents were alive, they'd be laughing at any whining...I'm trying to be a bit gentler with my kids, but I did have to shake my finger (figuratively) at that pair, and tell them that if they were going to find this so difficult then it was just proof that they were used to living a lifestyle of excess, and maybe it was time to cut back even more. To my credit, when they decided to sit and watch a program on Netflix, I did NOT give them "In my day we would have had only 3 stations and PBS" lecture...

    1. There's a difference in being bored, claiming there is nothing to do, and missing doing all there is to do with friends and extended family. Why is solitary confinement such a huge punishment? No disrespect to your parents, but we all deal with challenges differently. Yes, we are beyond fortunate with our modern conveniences, yet none the less, change has come abruptly to so many, and I'm not about to dismiss having empathy.

    2. I guess I just don't see this, (outside of education) as that much of a challenge. I saw something online that said "And the people stayed home…" All I could think of was "No, the privileged stayed home." They have a friend, whose mother, my beloved neighbor, has to work in all of this...she can't stay home, which means their friend is not only home, but responsible for the little sister during the day. I told them yesterday that if they couldn't settle themselves I was going to volunteer them for two days/week babysitting after school when this was all over to show them how good they had it. Interestingly, a bit after that rant yesterday, DD came out with a bin of Littlest Pet Shop figures and a pack of gel pens which I let her run down to them.

    3. That was kind of her. It sounds like your life hasn't changed much. Mine has, but I'm more acknowledging the change rather than complaining.

  3. My only fault with staying in and stores just now closed is that Belk's is closed! And, bookstores are closed. Since libraries are closed, I cannot get books, and I would buy a few. All mine are gone or in storage. I have my garden and herbs on the front porch. And, I have my list on my blog. The list was not brought about by covid19 . it is just an effort to get things done. I struggle to do anything! I do need books.

    1. Well go to your storage and dig some books out. There is also the Project Gutenberg online where you can read over 60K free ebooks.

    2. The library systems have more downloadable media. I was thrilled last month to have the book club book, which hard copy was on back reserves, available to download on Hoopla. do you have any local In Search Of ISO's, where you could put a call out for books, or any of the Fee Little Library boxes? Maybe a food shelf if attached to a thrift store, would throw a few books in with your food pick up? I'm just trying to get creative as I would sorely miss my books as well.

    3. download kindle to your computer. You can find many free books or can purchase through Amazon

  4. Everyone has wobbles. If they don't they are lying. We are doing our best to try and continue with our business. Not sure about April billings yet but that is next week. One day at a time in all of this

    1. Thank you for saying that. I was feeling guilty about feeling any sadness or frustration. Being reminded it is OK to be human is appreciated. I sure will hope that your clients can continue their work and you make it through this time. DH is going to entirely remote work, but since he technically is not laid off, even if nothing happens sales wise, I am not sure he is eligible for unemployment. But at least he has his small base, which will help us supplement my income, and help us help others in our family and community.

  5. Wish I was closer so we could walk 6 feet apart and gossip and laugh. I could make you laugh.

    1. That would be fun. The girls and I practiced what 6 feet apart might look like. The dog's leash is about four, plus some more spacing and I think we have it figured out.

  6. I'm just done with day 11 of lockdown and just found out tonight that it is being extended until 15 April at the very least. While I've been fine so far I have to admit it's getting old now but what choice do we have. The alternative doesn't bear thinking about!

    1. I'm glad it's not just me. Though my oatience may be short because my work days are long, and when I'm not working, I'm thinking on it.


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