Friday, October 30, 2020

The Wow-October is Over list of W's


     Wow-October is coming to an end, and I'm not working in m basement. Well, not quite my lower level and I have  natural light form a couple big window. Once we really get snow, that will be a different story perhaps.  I'm so happy there was no debates. Even if you are are a "fan" of the orange narcissist, you have to be getting sick of his big mouth that never stops telling everyone how great he is, how awful the other guy is. I didn't know a President has "fans". I though the people of the United States were constituents and the president is supposed to work for the entire United States, not just those states with governor's he likes?

        We added a cell line for our home, but just put a cheap phone. It's mostly so we didn't lose our home number, and I do have a few relatives that use it  before using cell numbers. If I answer one more call-and virtual prize if you know how to successfully stop calls-that start with This is "Donald Trump" I may scream. May? I have screamed. Had I known what would be coming through and the frequency, I'd have splurged for one with caller ID. Well that's another story and I said I wasn't going to get political in this blog-so take this as just an annoyance rant that would have been equaling annoying if it was  Biden calling me all day and if I would have seen him primping and pandering in front of the camera. Enough-and sorry if I annoyed you, but my blog and I'm feeling particularly  riled today. To capture my recent thoughts, here's my W's for the week.

What's top of mind: Top of mind is two fold. I have a couple intersecting major task at work that are related to the Minnesota  Covid response. I went to bend noodling around meeting details and next steps. Simultaneously, now that holidays are sort of settled, top of mind is trying to make our season as special as possible despite the difference. As was suggested, maybe we'll find some new scaled back ways of doing things that we will actually enjoy much more, with less extended family stress. 

Where I've been: Last weekend I picked up an on-line order, I got a few groceries, and stopped at the brewery. I'll admit, the brewery made me anxious. Even though all I was doing was picking up some Crowlers of seltzer to take home, there were so many people, yes, tables spread out, and  those not sitting at tables masked, but it is really not an environment that made me comfortable. I know I will not be eating out and definitely not in a bar for the foreseeable future, 50% capacity or not. 

Where I'm going: Tomorrow is my daughters birthday. She has a friend for the weekend, one who also has been following the recommended protocells, and they are doing an outside, socially distanced activity for her birthday tomorrow. As it is supposed to be super nice and we can have a beverage outside, we have tentative plans for me to take her out to the Coffee/wine  bar in town owned by our extended family relative. Other than that, I'll likely go grocery shopping, but after DH's crowded Sunday afternoon experience, I may go as soon as the store opens on Sunday.

What I'm watching: We watched two of the premier movies on Hallmark-Chateau Christmas and Jingle Bride. The Jingle Bride was cute but silly premise of a wedding coordinator having to travel to Alaska the week of Christmas for a certain flower for a celebrity brides bouquet. I thought the Chateau Christmas was duller than dishwater. I caught the last hour though of one of my favorites last year, I think it was called  Christmas Under the Stars, It has all the makings of a classic-families dealing with recent loss, decades of friendship, new friendships, discovery the true meaning of a good and happy life...all the clichés checked, but in the good way for a cheesy movie. .

What I'm reading: Other than the newspaper and some work reading, nothing for pleasure. That is quite sad when I think about the number of hours I have alone each week and how much of an avid reader I  have always been. . 

What I'm listening to:   I finished the podcasts while getting other hosue tasks from Oprah's Book Club  , and the discussion of Isabel Wilkerson's book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent. I had both BBC and Public radio streaming a bit but this week was so packed with meetings, I did not have much listening space.

What I'm eating: The
 butternut squash-apple and caramelized onion  pizza.  was a good success last night. We each ate two slices, I sent a big slice home with my daughter for her lunch. DH got home form working an extra day on someone's behalf, he polished off the remaining three slices. It was putzy to prep, but I think it was on par with the pizza we both enjoyed last year at the Twin Cities Veg Fest from Pizza Luce. My daughter is going to do some volunteer work using her film skills for next years festival. 

Who I'm paying attention to:  I can't ignore the politicians, but I can try and give them smaller head space. My family and their health and well being continue to be the most important people who I am thinking about. DH and I had a conversation about all the scams happening right now. His mom is pretty savvy-I don't worry about her so much. I do though think about my oldest sister and hope that anything questionable she gets she runs sit by one of us, or her daughter and son-in-la. My sister is very involved in advocacy and volunteer work on behalf of veterans and has the softest heart imaginable. There has been a slew of scams representing veterans  groups that do not exist and I could see her getting a call or stuff in the mail that was not legit and acting on it.  

What I'm planning:  Other than my daughters meet up, I'll have treats for the end of the driveway, and that will be our Halloween. I may go get one of the Papa Murphys' Pumpkin shaped pizzas. Yes, we just had pizza but the  pizza I made is nothing like the  pepperoni and gooey cheesed filled pepperoni. I'll do some on-line looking for shopping and research some options near my son to send him a Thanksgiving basket to help him and his roommates out with enjoying  Thanksgiving. I looked at what is near him for Grub Hub-lot's of locally owned businesses he can use, so if I can't find a direct  source, I can go with that.

     Our snow has pretty much melted from the week before and with the warm weekend. the last should go. On my walks I see the remnants of a few big snowmen or snow forts created, but surrounded by green grass! Apologies again for my  rant at the start, but I think I redeemed this as a more  friendly post as it went on.  Please share anything that's up in your life because I really like to hear from you all.. 


  1. Replies
    1. "IF" was the operative word-but no one else has as little class as he who makes my skin crawl.

    2. Well, I still don't gt never mind. Neither has called me. Trump called Tommy once.

  2. No apologies necessary, I think most of us feel the same. Today is my husband’s birthday, he’s the big 4-0, a milestone I hit just a few months ago. No big plans, I got him his favorite Halloween candy and made him a big breakfast my daughter wants to get him some frozen birthday creme pie she saw at the store. The four of us won’t all be together until late tonight, so we’ll possibly save it for tomorrow. As far I Halloween goes, I work til 7:30, should be a snooze fest. Son is going to the 24-hour driving range with friends one last time before they close for the season. Daughter and boyfriend are wearing the same costumes as last year and watching trick or treaters. Hubby will hand out candy here, we usually get like 5 kids🤷🏻‍♀️. We were invited to a bonfire but skipping that. I’ve been watching the hallmark movies and for as recycled and predictable as they are, I could just eat them with a spoon. I really love them. I plan on putting the tree up as soon as I can get my husband to move the furniture for me. COVID is still rampant, I refuse to eat out anywhere. I really just go to work and the store and I’m trying to cut back on shops but little stuff always pops up. Stay safe and hang in there! JoAnn

    1. Happy Birthday to him! My you are youngsters compared to us! The Chateau one though was so boring!!! th emost entertainment we got fro it was husband originally misread the title and said Chat-A-Toe, so that was our joke whenever the word Chateau was said. We're simple folks .

  3. Your rant is just how most of us on the planet feel - your blog, you can express your feelings! I agree, maybe with a smaller scaled down Christmas you can do more of what you would want to do in your home rather than catering to the wishes of other extended family members.

    1. The thought of not being at my MIL's on Christmas day from 11:00 until 7:00 is wonderful I admit that. It doesn't even make sense. I don't recall that the day was so full on when we still were at his grandparents, and in those days, we would just do a later afternoon, or dinner and a few presents on a night leading to Christmas. Then once she started hosting, it became a whole day thing with expectations to stay. Of course though now she is alone, she wants the company so I guess I get it a bit.

  4. Oh my god I can't even begin to think about watching Christmas movies in October! I love Christmas but as a 3-month affair never! And the mind boggles that you would be getting those political telephone calls. I hadn't even thought about it. I did change my relatively new phone this year though to make sure I got an answering machine and now I don't pick up without vetting first!

    1. Yeah, I need to dial it back on Hallmark or I'll be Christmased out by December. I did wish they would have had a few more fall movies. Fortunately the robo calls do not leave messages, so I can ignore and then later check messages. Occasionally I am expecting a call so pick up-big mistake.

  5. Not knowing if there will be any Trick or Treaters out and about, we too will be putting some treats at the end of our front sidewalk, next to the blvd sidewalk. We have decorated for Halloween, so we feel we should provide treats as some will expect it because we did decorate. I have bagged them up with a few different kinds so they can just grab a bag of treats - last year we only had 20 kids, so unlikely we will have much more this year. We will see. It will also be our 25th wedding anniversary. Yep, got married on Halloween. Ranee (MN)

    1. The October anniversaries keep on coming! Congratulations. I decorated fall, but not too much Halloween. I probably will put out my moms ceramic pumpkin, but it has to stay on porch as I don't want to risk it getting broke. Maybe a sign that just says take one will work, and when one it's gone.

  6. I enjoyed your rant and I totally agree with you. I am SO sick of seeing him and hearing him. I don't know how any sane person could watch him for 5 minutes and still say yep, he's the guy I want in charge of our country. It makes me sick to my stomach!

    1. I was trying to tolerate those of different political persuasions, but nope, hard to do it for him. He really thinks, and so do his "fans" that the is the nations savior. The man that cheated his own family out of their inheritance and he thinks he gives a rats behind for them?

  7. Send your son a check or a gift card to his local grocery store. It most likely will go farther if he picks up what he wants for Thanksgiving than going to all the trouble of sending foodstuffs.

    1. I'll do that too, but I also want some effort of special-but also want a local business supported.

  8. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Your pizza sounds delicious and I'm happy to hear that your snow is gone.
    We'll all keeping our fingers crossed for a good result next week! x

    1. I am quite nervous how next week turns out. I was pleased how the pizza turned out.

  9. Happy Birthday, I am glad you get to do something with her.

    1. A little time with her will be nice. She's my social life now!

  10. Happy Birthday to your daughter - glad she can at least celebrate with a friend & family! I'm with you on the Orange Man! Praying that there will be a massive blue wave to wipe him out for good. The whole dang family irritates the heck out of me. If you've never read his crazy ranting Twitter feed it provides for some good entertainment & laughs. He was rage Tweeting at 3:00 a.m. I mean WHO does that? Let alone a so-called "president!" He's a nutjob.

    Take care & stay safe - we are all in this together & we can survive it - hopefully!

    S (from gmail!)

    1. I think those that say "he tells it like it is" aren't comprehending that 1/2 is opinion and the rest conspiracy theory lunacy. "Eventually I'll be right" was his response to his claims the virus will just go away. Crazy.

  11. Wonderful rant! I totally agree with you. Not doing halloween this year. Sending something special to your son for Thanksgiving is a lovely idea. I'm sure he'll appreciate that. Celie

    1. Both something special so it feels holiday, but $ so he can shop without a calculator for his meal prep. It's been tough with his field still so limited.

  12. Oh I hope this nightmare will be over soon. It boggles my mind that people still support that man. Ugh

    1. It's the hypocritical "Christians", the first to condemn poor single moms, immigrants and refugees, LGBTQ community, that give him a free pass is what baffles me the most and keeps me from giving any credibility to any opinions they might have.

  13. Love your idea of sending something special to your son, so he doesn't have to pull out his calculator on at least one shopping trip. How nice!! I am sure he will appreciate it greatly! Hope you have fun with your daughter for her BD! Your rant was wonderful. Along with the hypocritical "Christians" are the hypocritical "pro-lifers" who seem to think pro-life is only regarding a fetus, NOT the many others along with the 225,000+ lives that have been lost as we struggle to even find ways to celebrate the holidays. So much that could have been prevented!! chris


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