Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020-Blogmas Day 25

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      I've got Christmas music streaming and I'm enjoying my first cup of coffee. Nothing fancy but soon I'll wash and slice fruit and put the cinnamon rolls in the oven. Dinner will be simple, but hopefully delicious-mostly just using the oven and broiler for dinner about 2:00; plenty of time to then clean up and settle in for the festive Christmas football game. It will take a Christmas miracle for the Vikings to go to the playoffs, so better just enjoy the game with no hopes at all. For coffee number two, I'll stream the inside service or rather the pre videoed service. We'll do the rest of our gifts and reach DS at some point, recognizing the time difference. We Facebooked messenger with him yesterday for quite a while, chatting but also video gaming remotely.

     Santas helper filled stockings, even though the kids are 30 and 19, but they've been really good this year and deserve every positive thing this holiday can offer. DD1 received official notification on Wednesday that her organizations non-profit statu sis official, and her and my nieces timeline to get some virtual programming started after the first of the year is on track. That was a nice gift for them. I hope you feel the joy and spirit of Christmas today and share my hopefulness, at least for today, for the year to come. 


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Merry Christmas from New Jersey!
    Many things to be grateful for but still hoping that we get back to a more normal lifestyle for next year. Not sure I can take another year of this isolation!

  3. SAM,
    I think it is nice you had stocking for them. Age does not matter when it is a person's children. Merry Christmas!

    1. They did enjoy their filled stocking-I did well if I say so myself.

  4. Merry Christmas to you SAM and all your family!

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all the kind readers of this blog as well! JoAnn

  6. I too want to wish you a happy Christmas holiday !


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