Friday, December 11, 2020

The W's of Christmas-Blogmas Day 11

      So much going on in my life! So many  people to see and parties to attend. I'm taking trips  to little pop-up holiday stores and meeting colleagues for post work martini and friends for Sunday brunch. Nah! None of that is happening of course and I miss it all particularly this time of year. I'm not a fill my calendar to the brim person, but normally part of how I celebrate this time of year is a smattering of activities  like these ones that bring the spirit of the Christmas season. I'll never turn bah humbug though. Even with this forced change to my December, there is still activity, and people, and traditions and joy. So how am I doing? What am I doing? Here's a few W's for this December 11th.

What I'm eating

     I have a new recipe this year-a cookie I've never had, and I will warn you, they are  decadent. This cookie came from  my younger daughters best friends kitchen and she and I had to share one it is so rich. I suppose they could be made smaller. It's called a hot chocolate cookie-right down to the marshmallows. Warm up in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds and it will taste fresh from the oven again. They used this Taste of Home recipe. Maye this is a staple other places, but I've never had them before. With so few places to go, I won't be making them this year, but next year I think I have a new addition. 

What I am listening to

     My daughters concert from last year as well as several other college choirs concerts are  broadcast periodically or available for streaming on the classical public radio station. I also have the CD, and all her highschool Christmas CD's or videos (for music) so it has been lovely background for when I'm not in meetings. 

What I'm watching

     Sunday our local  public television will have Charlie Brown's Christmas. I'm so excited as it has been a few years since I've last seen it. This is certainly the year to get my  Peanuts  warm fuzzy's. When DD2 was in 6th grade, our church did  the Charlie Brown Christmas and she was Lucy. I'm sure I have it on a memory card.

     We need to pick a movie or two for Saturday night. Any new ones or recent ones you have seen-holiday or otherwise?

What I'm reading

     The new book club book is  The Vanishing Half, by Brit Bennett but I still need to order or buy it. We are moving book club to second January Friday, so I have until January 8th to read. Since I need to buy as the library is backed up  in the hundreds, I was going to check out a couple small bookstores first before then trying an on-line route. Has anyone read it? Apparently it is THE READ of 2020. 

Pup got a card as well!

     I'm also reading Christmas cards! I've opened a few, but there is a sizeable stack to open. I have decided how I'm doing ours, and will get them ordered tonight and tomorrow night and Sunday will get them addressed and sent. 

What's around my house

     With our stainless and fairly new kitchen appliances, DH really did not want magnets on the front of the refrigerator, even if just decorations. I however love this magnet set so at least put them on the side of the refrigerator where we tack up important  notes and reference items. I have two of the same penguin set of magnets unopened that I got after Christmas last year or the year before. I thought I'd passed a set on to DD1, but I'll need to check with her if I did or not. The beautiful girl on the picture magnet is DD2 her junior year in her  show choir dress, hair, and make up. Other little magnets that are always there are my phone box and double decker bus from our UK trip in 2014. Not pictured is several alumni and homecoming save the date magnets from my alma mater, a realtor calendar magnet (no we're not moving), and a Vikings schedule. 

What I need to get done this weekend

     You would think if you clean your house for Thanksgiving a few weeks back I'd be off the hook for a while. Priority is a top to bottom clean then adding the finishing things I want for decorations. Not having done a big normal planned grocery shop, but several small along with a "fun" Trader Joe's shop by me and a semi-rogue shop by DH, means we have a mish mash of groceries in all storage areas. Priority will be to review fresh items and leftovers to make sure they get incorporated into meals. As mentioned before, I need those Christmas cards in the mail Sunday night so they go out with the 5:00 a.m. postal pick up, and with luck, still arrive by December 24th. I have more to send since I won't physically see people, Anything else I get done will be by pure choice like treat making and the drive through Christmas display.

What I'm smelling
     The unusually warm December and the stay at home, distance learning life, has my neighbors extending the fall  backyard fires well into our winter season.  I'm getting the scent either one actively burning or  remnants from the night before when I'm out walking the dog after dark. Our fire ring is filled with sticks and twigs and we have logs under the deck-maybe this weekend? I'm also soaking up the "air pollution" as DH calls it of  wintery candles. I received three new ones for my birthday, Christmas Cheer from DD1, Balsam Fresh from my BIL and SIL and kids, and Cinnamon Spice from my sister. I'm still burning down the  Toasted Marshmallow, but that likely will be done by the end of the day. I also found the candle the same BIL/SIL and family gave me last year on a shelf-not yet burned, so I'll add that into my smelling frenzy. It's in a package and I don't recall the scent-maybe Sweater Weather or Flannel? 

     I'll end with that W and let you all get on with your day. Here's a  final picture from my blog roll-a fire DD2 and I had earlier in the year. Enjoy your weekend!


  1. LOL, I knew you were joking when you said you wee doing all those things, Sam. LOL The hot chocolate cookie looks goo! I am going to make some fudge next week after I get our groceries. I'm currently watching The Fosters on Amazon Prime. It's such a good storyline that I enjoy.

    1. I think if you like hot chocolate they are winners. I just read about cheater fudge with PB and frosting. I may try if vegan.

  2. Scented candles contribute to respiratory illnes, can cause asthma and make it worse. I cannot be in a home with candles lit, any kind of candles or scents in the house.

    1. Well, if they burned all day all the time I’d be concerned, but a bit of ambience is the least if my vices.

  3. I started to read you blog and I was like,WHAT! Very funny had me going. I love the air pollution, my husband feels the same way. But me I love a good candle.

    1. I try not to burn around him and save for my cozy time. They relax me on stress days.

  4. I bookmarked the hot chocolate cookie recipe for later. Thank you!
    I love burning candles as long as they are not florals. For some reason the floral ones make me sneeze.,
    Winter and fall scents are my favorites!

    1. It's a good recipe for chocolate lovers. I don't like perfumey candles.

  5. The cookies sound like something my family would love, but where do you find marshmallow bits?
    Your daughter is lovely, and what a great idea to listen to her past concerts.
    We are going to have to watch Charlie Brown and the Muppet Christmas Carol. One of my son's new favorites is Klaus on netflix. It is a sweet animated movie.
    I love cinnamon spice candles for winter, my fav.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Our friends used mini marshmallows and worked fine as you can see. Recipes that must have a specific hard to find ingredient would be a pass for me.

  6. I love the scent of candles on a cold winters evening. It somehow makes up for the dreary weather at this time of year.Those cookies sounds delish.

    1. That's what I like about candles as well. The glow and scent is uplifting and warming.

  7. I have not seen the CB Christmas show in years but every year the soundtrack is something I hear right away to kick off the season. I love it so.


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