Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Positively Tuesday-You Can't See this in the Tropics Edition

      I'd love to be planning a trip south, very south. I imagine tropical beaches and palm trees swaying over my head while I lounge for hours with a book and a cocktail. But just sometimes nature, or a little man made help to nature, throws a beautiful display our way in the dead of winter. When my daughter and I stopped at the Cidery on Saturday, the women working asked if we were going to see the ice fountains. Tell us more, we asked. She gave us directions on our route back to a place where a guy has been rigging up  water hoses on structures to create frozen water fountains. Now being a perfect winter day, and having been filled up with pie and coffee, we headed off expecting to see a couple pretty displays. We were wowed by what we saw. They had a table for donations and offered hot chocolate along with a news article I think from 2005, so he has been doing this for a bit. He had display lighting for night viewing-I can't imagine how stunning that would be. I can't describe adequately so will let the pictures (compliments of my daughter) do the talking. 

Obligatory picture of my daughter and me.
Ignore my static filled hair!


  1. Oh my goodness those are absolutely beautiful!! I can only imagine how wonderful it would be to see these at night. It amazes me how creative some people are. Thanks so much for sharing this.

    1. We could see the sprinkling of water-it was a warmish day. I'm not sure if the hour drive at night (nothing else to really do at night in that part of the region), so it would be a drive on very dark and windy roads.

  2. Beautiful and that's you and your daughter as well as the ice formations! xxx

    1. Oh, you're so sweet. Do you like my cold glow!

  3. Lovely pic of the two of you! The ice reminds me of the Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz. Nice of the workers to tell you about the place. Has kind of a Christmas movie feel to it and you know how much I love that! JoAnn

    1. A few of them, when you looked just right, picked up the evergreen trees-and yes, had an emerald look.

  4. Wow, those would be worth going back for at night to see them lit up. Beautiful picture of you and your daughter!

    1. Perhaps-it is about an hour away, and the road back into them is long and winding, and on a river slope. If I was more familiar or if I knew the roads were clear and dry.

  5. Those ice sculptures are beautiful, Sam. Lake Michigan used to freeze just like that. The waves would come and freeze as tall as they could and they are always so beautiful.

    1. I remember seeing Lake Michigan when both my kids graduated college-they both had December ceremonies, and the ice was just starting to form. Lake Superior of course does this as well.

  6. Those ice fountains are so beautiful - as is your long, long hair!

    1. Nearly a year since my last hair cut and my hair grows fast, so probably an extra 8 inches I do not intend to keep! At home I usually have it back in a pony or braid, or whipped into a chignon or bun.

  7. That is a beautiful picture of you and your daughter. I also love the ice sculptures. What a sight!

    1. Thank you. We were not expecting to see so many!

  8. Those ice sculptures are beautiful. I bet they are amazing at night with the extra lights. That is a great picture of you and your daughter as well! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you. It was a bonus to an already nice day.

  9. Very neat! As for the deep south, you will have to go to Miami. I'm in Lower Alabama and it's cold here. Next week it's supposed to be in the 20s! :-(

    1. Neat does describe them. Is that cold unusual?

  10. Wow those pictures are amazing! So cool!
    Great mother daughter picture too!

    1. I love that she can take even good pictures of us with the self mode.

  11. Replies
    1. Something bright and cheery to wake up winter.

  12. Oh wow, those are fantastic! You and your daughter look so happy together as well! Celie

    1. I always like a good day out with my kids.

  13. These are so cool! Can you go back to see them at night? I bet they are beautiful!

    1. We could, but it is a long drive-about an hour, and the road to get back to these is windy and steep in places, and runs along a river bed. We could try and time a late afternoon so that we were there when the lights turn on and only do the drive in the dark once.

  14. What a cool idea! Love the picture of you & your daughter.

    1. I wouldn't want their electric bill for thier water well, but so nice to be able to see something so unique.

  15. Wow those are so neat. You have two lovely daughters!

    1. I do have tow lovely daughters-don't look to close at my laugh lines!

  16. Thank your daughter for the pictures. Great picture of you and daughter. I love the ice fountains. Does he have pictures online of the lights at night on the ice?

    1. I have not seen any. You could just google night pictures of ice fountains and will probably find something similar.

  17. What a lovely photo of you both, and thankyou for posting about the ice fountains.They're stunning.

    1. Considering how wispy my hair was and the sad hat, not too bad a photo.

  18. Thats a beautiful picture of you both and those ice fountains are amazing!

  19. Replies
    1. If your bar, your choice. I'm partial to a Vodka collins are a make shift Cosmo-oldie I know, but a goodie.


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