Monday, March 1, 2021

Sunday Road Trip Sightings

      The hubs and I took a little three hour tour to bust us out of our stay at home funk. The morning started with a snow and rain mix, but by the time we left after a bite of lunch, it looked more promising. By the time we were home, we had sun and lots of it. Here’s a few smatterings of pictures. 

     We drove through a few little hamlets, past a ski hill, our closest versions of mountains, and along the icy Mississippi River. Remember my  wander last summer when I did a wander on one of the hottest days of summer, and came across multiple Catholic churches? Clearly when the early settlers of Minnesota were building their country churches, Catholics chose some tiny communities and the Lutherans chose others, but generally, these were all within 30 miles of each other. Yesterday were the Lutheran churches. They really were prettier than the gray photos show. Minnesota has a reputation for being very Scandinavian and very Lutheran, which it is heavily, but Catholic in shear numbers are technically higher-though protestants as a whole are greater. Actually though, there is diverse religious history here that continues to evolve. This article was an interesting, if much more opinion than research, of religions in Minnesota. 

     To celebrate the end of meteorological winter, we treated ourselves to Dairy Queen for the ride home. Pup was ready for his walk, followed by  relaxing and  a simple dinner of sausage meatballs, mock stroganoff, and roasted veg. ‘Twas a good day. Let’s hope the week stays grand.


  1. Sounds like a fun three hour trip, Sam. I like the photographs. I hope you have a great week.

    1. It got us out of the house safely and was fun to see different places.

  2. Sounds like it was a much needed break. Love the photos! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Oh once again I am enamored by the snow pictures! I think it is so incredibly serene and beautiful. It is easy for me since I never have to deal with the unpleasant side of snow.
    Glad you had a day out of the house!

    1. If the roads are good, winter drives are peaceful. It got hubs out for something other than work.

  4. Looks like you saw some pretty scenes along the way. Glad you were able to get out and about for a few hours!

    1. We're far enough from the city to find these gems, but could venture into then for a different wander.

  5. I love those church photos. So pretty!

    1. The old Lutheran churches are generally less majestic than the old Catholic ones but very pretty.

  6. I love churches with steeples and also church graveyards. So peaceful and beautiful. Glad you got out!

    1. I needed a good drive and change if scenery.

  7. I can see a Scandinavian look to those churches and the blue-grey paintwork on that building. What an interesting tour, so different to the architecture we have here. x

    1. Yes, this was the Scandinavian part of my rural expanded home base. My grandpa settled in a nearby community in the early 1920s from Norway and opened or took on a grocery store likely because there were mainly Norwegian and Swedish residents already there.


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