Thursday, March 18, 2021

Thrifty Thursday Again

      In the end, nothing remotely Irish consumed yesterday. I did live vicariously through old school buddy, trivia team member J. He makes St Patrick's Day buttons and you'll find him at every Irish bar in St Paul  handing them out, having many a pint bought for him and ending his day with a big steak dinner. No worries about driving as he arranges a ride and a vacation day off teaching the following day as well. He started this when he first moved back to Minnesota, young bachelor, with a crew of friends. Over the years as the grown ups married and had kids, his circle got smaller but new friends made each year. Even when he settled into family life pushing 40, his lovely wife A was a full on supporter of the St Patrick's Peter Pan. With a bunch of us now being empty nesters, last year a few more would have joined him. I will some day too, but maybe late afternoon- the all day beer fest would be wasted on me. I'm still trying to make good with my  time, resources, and money, but I could make a case that a day with J can tick all the boxes.


  • Still loving my walks-even when we get the overnight and morning snow, non freezing temps is a god boost to me getting outdoors more.
  • Reserved tickets to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts for  a week form Sunday. It will be a one directional  tour, socially distanced. I figure it will be the equivalent of when I have gone grocery shopping so if health protocols are followed, I feel comfortable. 
  • No success yet, but each day I unt for vaccine slots for DH. We'll get our turn eventually. 
  • I had the first of two Bible studies on Monday. I'm less enthused about the lack of discussion so far, and more Q&A. It might not be my thing as the format is a bit literal and less applicable to how to discuss in a modern world, but I'm glad I am trying it out. 
  • Did some freezer rooting and used up a couple deep in the corners prepped leftover meals for lunch. 
  • Ate a can of soup I rescued back in February from my office desk before it hit it's best buy date. 
  • I'm getting some positive responses from the May 1 Park Clean-up Event form various family members. Someone had the idea that we should bring a separate bag for can collection to drop off for the clubs in town, I think just Boy Scouts, that saves cans for their organization. 
  • Used up a handful of  older baby carrots in a crock pot pasta dish last night. It was yummy and a little boost to our goal of five a day. (It had zucchini and tomatoes as well).


  • As I mentioned last week, we are hat losers-well, DD2 in particular. The inexpensive clearance hats I ordered came, and they are lovely, thick, and  of good quality. 
  • When DH went to pick up our take out, a little issue happened and he was missed and missed with the car side delivery. They ended up thinking perhaps our order was sent with someone else. They rectified it quickly, plus through in a freebie pint of potato salad, and the owner gave him a $10 gift card. We will be back-the food was very good. Even though we ate to stuffed, we had leftovers that I used for lunch.
     Yes, we gave in and splurged on the take out, but we are still trying to support  small and local businesses. We'll continue to belt tighten where we can to make up some of our negative cash flow due to increased tax burden and DH's lower take home. We're exploring free and low cost activities for when my daughter is home in a little over a week, lie the MIA reservation above. How are you all doing with any thrift goals you have? Are you finding new ways to spend your time with frugal activities?. 


  1. J and his St. Pat's day shenanigans sounds right up my alley. It's a good thing there are people like him around to cheer us all up isn't it!

    1. He's been a shenanigans kind of guy since we met in 1st grade. He's a good guy. Love the way his wife is like, knew who I married...

  2. Nice job by there restaurant on the take out! Good customer service is important and they have guaranteed you will give them another chance!
    You did a nice job this week with all. I struggle using my time well and it is the only thing I can't create more of.

    1. DH brought take out yesterday from there to have lunch with his mom already. He's now a loyal customer. Good BBQ is his favorite.

  3. Your friend J sounds like fun! Sounds like you did well in all areas this week. Still not making any kinds of plans here until after we get our vaccines. Working at home and walking on the beach is it for now. Nothing spent other than $36 on some fresh veggies and bread this week :)

    1. He's good fun. I feel looking for vaccines is a part time job.

  4. We take a ride every day. Sometimes, that occurs when I need to stop and get my meds, grocery, or something else. We sit in the park, look at junk piles lol, watch birds, people. Mobility issues for both of use limits somewhat activities can do. We get the takeout lunch and go to the park to meet with friends.

    1. You get nice weather (though later so hot) it's good you meet up with friends.

  5. Do you have CVS pharmacies in Minnesota? If so, check their website beginning at 6 a.m. for vaccines (they're usually all booked up by 7 a.m.). Keep refreshing! Walgreens, too, but I think that they open up all day. My tip for Walgreens is to expand your area (put in a zip code that you'd be willing to drive to). Good luck!

    1. Done those-only certain CVS and closest is an hour away, but will take it if it helps. I'm still just being cautious and doing what I have.

  6. I got my vaccine thru Walgreens, but here they book only three days in advance and slots are full by 6 am. I logged on at 5:30 a.m. and snagged one! Good luck. Celie

    1. We'll get our turn eventually. I guess no appts mean others are buulding up the herd immunity.

  7. In our area, Walgreens brings their appointments online at 3:00 am. If you are two hours later than us (I think?), maybe set an alarm and try at 5 am? The pharmacies all release their slots at that time, I believe.

    Nothing super frugal, other than I used a Chipotle gift card that had been lingering forever to buy Sam & I dinner after a late soccer practice. It was perfect, easy & free (out of pocket).

    1. Not a lot of opportunity to save or earn is there? But, thats also for me because we're spending low.

  8. Replies
    1. Well then, I guess substituting pasta was appropriate.


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