I'm taking some time tonight to just pause, and go on auto pilot. The day was packed with managing the ups and downs at work of communicating the new structure of my company to the front line staff. For some, it was a minor blip on their radar, while others felt like the changes were closer to an earth quake. I had some really sweet responses by staff in departments that will no longer be under my direction, thanking me for my leadership, and sad to no longer be reporting to me. Others were both excited about the growth opportunities the structure creates, while some were apprehensive of pending change in their specific department. I heard a couple staff express that the changes must certainly be good for me, as so many things will move off my plate. I'm trying to see it that way, as a good thing, even though part of me feels like a significant amount of my net worth was chiseled away. I've got months to work through the changes, and the hiring of a new counterpart, then training that new director as well before I can really tell if this will be an improvement on my stress load, or just different stress. My eyes will be open to see if there are better fits for me elsewhere, including a lateral, or even scaled back position. For the short term, I'll take each day as they come, remembering my job may be where I make a living, but my home is where I make a life.
I cheated in keeping the budget in check. October has not been a very good Stoptover at New Frame headquarters. Middle school conferences were tonight, plus DD#2 had a conference cross country meet, which followed her learning she was selected to an honors choir she had auditioned for. School report was terrific, she had her highest finish yet in a meet, and I wanted to celebrate her choir selection. Her absolute favorite is Chinese food, so splurged on dinner for the four of us, with $24 spent on take out. I'm sure I could have concocted some sort of mock take out for less than half the cost, though we wouldn't have been eating until 8:00. For the variety we had, and the down time it allowed me tonight to just decompress, I am ok with the splurge, and will happily eat from the freezer and pantry the rest of the week.
So how was your day? Here's to all of you that are looking for ways to keep your head above water while looking for dry land. I'll even raise a toast to the end of my Tuesday, the lowly of all the weekdays. For now, I'm going to open a bottle of red wine, put on some comfy pajamas, and just chill.
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