Friday, October 17, 2014

Is There a Lost and Found for Motivation?

It's gone.  i know i had it earlier in the week and am hoping I just misplaced it.  I'm talking about that most valuable of intangibles, motivation.  I learned taking a Thursday off work, and then trying to reengage on Friday is not a great idea.  Of course I did things-the things that had to be done.  I had meetings at 8:15, 9:30, 11:00, 2:00, and lastly, at 3:30. I participated fully, but if I stop to think about what I actually accomplished, very little.  I hope those I met with got more out of the day than I did.  

Tomorrow though is the weekend, time for a a good hunt and search and with luck, motivation will be hanging out on a shelf somewhere.  The weather is supposed to be cold and gray, just like today.  Perhaps that might be where my motivation was hiding. After the glorious day of warmth and sun yesterday, there was a  dull, cold, colorless feeling in the air today.  I usually don't mind a gray day-good for reading, and thinking, and coming up with ideas.  Today though, the clouds just covered up needed energy. Tomorrow though, I'm going to put the weather to my favor and set the alarm, even though it is a weekend, and not rely on my natural clock to wake me up.  I think pup and I will drive down to the Mississippi River walking trails, or to one of the rural nature centers, and get an extra long walk in.  I'm going to tackle some purging of closets, and perhaps follow my daughters lead, and haul some used books and movies to a second hand shop and see if I can generate a little cash.  

Here is my motivational check list for tomorrow:

  • Wake up early; do not linger in bed and waste away precious daylight
  • Walk a long time, slow and patient and let pup sniff away
  • Purge at least one shelf, cupboard, or closet-determine if for sale, donation or throw
  • Clean and organize pantry, fridge, and freezer-there is something causing an odd smell somewhere
  • Take a picture of my food waste so I hold my self accountable next time to use what we have
  • Bake!!  
  • Wash bedding and get it out on the line so I can sleep with sweet smells of fall
  • Open a bottle of red, and marvel at all I've accomplished
What about you?  How do you start your weekends, and how do you decide what to tackle first?

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