I took a well needed break from the office today and headed across the state lines to Wisconsin, to "bimble" around the little towns that run along Lake Pepin. It was just the girls as we left my husband on his day off, happily with chain saw in hand, ready to attack the dead river birch in our front yard, and over grown, and dying shrubbery around the front porch. We'll tackle new landscaping in the spring. DD# 2, in typical 13 year old fashion wanted to know exactly what we were going to be doing, and what is actually in these little towns. DD#1 was happy to have a little break from the set today, and went with no expectations.
An inside look at the Stockholm pie company. Not a big place. |
Days like this are a gift not to be wasted. I knew when we got back I would need to log into the office to finish still that blasted report, but I amazed myself that I didn't read e-mails once after we left the house in the morning, and until back home. Our front of house was almost unrecognizable without the tree and the Shrubs. DH had worked up an appetite and was really excited that we brought him the pie. I went to get a glass of water and he had just finished it stating, "great pie." I asked where the rest was, and he said he ate the whole thing. I guess he deserved it, but dang, a little sliver would taste mighty good about now.
This was a nice cozy area to sit and talk. The hay bales looked inviting but we sat at the tables. |
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