Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Tenner Week Day 3

All my money is safely where it started Monday morning-in my wallet.  I so wanted an ice cold Diet Coke from the vending machine, but it stayed there and I filled my water bottle instead.  I rewarded myself with one when I got home from the stash I have been rationing for two weeks. It tasted so good.  I saw someone getting a Domino's pizza delivered for supper while out walking with pup.  It would have been so easy to pick up the phone and dial since it was starting to get late to make supper, but I stuck to the plan and  made a homemade one myself.  Delicious!

According to Penny Golightly's tenner week, yesterday's challenge was supposed to be a declutter and to find three things to resell.  Today was to actually sell said items. I do not know how to E-bay yet, and it is too early for garage sale season.  We don't have the car boot or flea market stalls here either.  I boxed up some old children's books and some glassware that will not be used and put them aside for later in the spring.  I have other items in the garage for a future sale as well.  While today was supposed to be the actual sale, I feel like I am trying to honor the spirit of the goal. 

I should probably learn a bit more how to do on-line selling. I found DD#2's old Winnie the Pooh Grow and Learn book collection is selling on Amazon for $59 new, and $39 used.  I might need to give that a go if I could get that kind of money.  This picture is from the Amazon site, but we have the full 19 volume set just like this one. Remember my old set of mushroom Pyrex bowls?  I never did open them and have been making due without a full set of mixing bowls.  In the box, I could resell for as much as $89 according to Amazon. Hmm-I'm doubtful. 

I may not be home alone next week after all.  My FIL has taken a poor turn of health and they are thinking of actually flying him back to Minnesota.  We may have the bitter cold and winter that lasts half a year, but we also have some of the most renowned medical centers in the world here, plus my MIL would be near family and friends.  Prayers for my DH and our family would be appreciated. If they do come home, I'll need to alter plans for both meals at home, but also make sure there are some ready to warm meals and some healthy things at the DH's parents house. The house will need a good dusting and vacuuming after sitting for 10 weeks. She's a great MIL and I want to help her through the stress she is facing now. My slow down week will need to wait.


  1. I've never tried Amazon selling myself but I do eBay sometimes. I'm not going to do that this week as I have far too many other projects on hand and eBay takes time.

    Have you seen Penny Golightly's recent post reflecting on tenner week?

    1. I did read it and I've already pereceived some of the same things.


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