Thursday, March 12, 2015

Still No Personal Spending but Ouch on the Family Budget: Tenner Week Day 4

Today's challenge was to not only keep my spending low, but to also try and haggle a better rate, deal, or bargain on something.  Well, let's call that an epic fail.  Not only did I not get a better deal, I had to cancel the two tickets for DH and DD 's trip, with a $200 per ticket airline change fee if we should try to use the credit towards a flight, which must be used within the next 12 months, making it a true whopping credit of only $88 per ticket.  Now I can see making the customer pay if those two seats will go unfilled, but I have a feeling this time of year, those could be booked four times over.  DH decided he needed to get to Arizona tonight for his parents, a good rationale for the expense, but ouch, the ticket was $463.  He can fly return open ended so at least he didn't have to pay separate one way which probably would have been higher yet.  

We also prepaid for three meals for the basketball banquet, so spent an additional $14 for a meal not enjoyed by DH who caught a 7:30 flight.  It was a lovely night though, with the girls all in dresses and made up hair-the antithesis of how they look on the court. It was bitter sweet as the 8th graders youth play comes to an end as they move to high school level, or decide to pursue other extra curricular activities and leave basketball behind.

I am feeling a bit down tonight.  I'm filled with worry about my FIL and wanting to support DH, who does not handle illness and family stress well.  I'm trying to keep the two older kids informed, but also semi prepared to come home if needed. I have a highly sensitive teen, who is trying not to show how worried she is, having lost two grandparents, an aunt (my sister) and an uncle (same sisters husband) in the last four years.  I worry that with no sick time, no vacation time, and a cut in take home pay, I've gone 10 years backward in being there for my family. I think I'll close on that note, and try and rest my eyes for the night. Tomorrow brings new hope and hopefully renewed perspective.  

Just because my day needed some flowers.


  1. Life sounds very stressful at the moment. Look after yourself - you are more important than any challenge.

    1. The money challenge isn't stressful. In fact, it feels like something within my control, so kind of reassuring in a way.

    2. Actually now you've said that, you're right. In a way not spending has taken some choices out of my life for a while, one less thing to think/worry about. Penny Golightly sort-of talks about that when she warns of the dangers of the first day when one is no longer off the challenge - the danger of not choosing!


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