Saturday, April 18, 2015

Just Try It For Today

Is happiness really a state of mind?  Can you truly live a happier life by pushing aside negative thoughts, petty complaints, and fits of jealousy? Can embracing an attitude of fullness verses a a deficit mindset be the right course for overall bliss? Would I wake up happier tomorrow if for just today I squealsh every negative thought, word, and impulse back?  Lovely Grey has some good thoughts today on being a half full glass kind of gal.  As I had no post ideas, I'm branching off my comments in her blog to see if I really could get through the whole day with an air of bliss.

It might be tough, but a little challenge is good.  First off, I had a not so great night of sleep because pup drank more water then normal last night after an extra long walk, and up we were at 1:00 for a trip outside, followed by tough time falling back to sleep.  But hey, no accident to clean up this morning-that was kind of him!  The next door neighbors put in a lovely new fence, but because of digging, the utilities on our line needed to be shut off.  This triggered a new gas meter being installed.  I am without gas until they come out after 2:30 to relight.  This means cold showers, no hot water for dishes, and no clothes dryer, with a mountain of laundry.  Well, we'll just see what we can come up with instead, shall we.  If Lovely Grey can live a full life in a motor home,  with clean body, hair, clothes and dishes, I can improvise for a day.

What I have to smile about today...

  • Clean water out of my own taps, coffee grounds, electricity, and my Keurig coffee maker
  • Soft, cozy bed to take a nap in later should I need to (or want to)
  • Sunshine and a nice breeze, a clothes line to dry laundry
  • Hair brush and plenty of pony tail holders to give myself an interesting "up do"
  • Tea kettle that boils water really quickly, ready to heat up dishwater, and"bathing" water
  • Empty dishwasher to hide the dirty dishes that can be washed once gas is back on
  • Food in the refrigerator,freezer, and cupboards including vegetable cream cheese and onion bagels
It's 8:29, and things are cheery in my head. It's time to declare this day open for business. 


  1. Add to your list the fact that you've made a blog reader smile - it always improves my day if I know someone enjoyed reading my blog.

    1. Yes-I should add great blogs to read to the list. I'm sure I'll learn no less than two new things through someones post.


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