Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The $3.73 Tomato

I’m going to give raising at least a few of my own vegetables and herbs a try again this year.  I managed to get parsley and cilantro in seed pots for both myself, and as part of a Mother’s Day gift for my MIL. I hope I didn’t start too late, and at least something pokes it’s head above the dirt line.  I gave two weeks.  I also am braving things again and started three tomato plants and three pepper plants using an organic seed starter.  I followed the direction on the little package, and now am crossing my fingers that something will come, and I can transfer to bigger containers.  I’m not even attempting the ground this year. 

That is how ignorant I am about gardening.  I have tried off and on, always unsuccessfully, to do a little vegetable patch.  I’ve either planted too close, and the vines strangle the other plants, or I’ve failed to water enough or watered too much, or I’ve let the weeds take over.  There are jokes a plenty about how a single zucchini seed can feed a small country.  It is a good thing I am not the gardener in that country as I’ve never gotten more than a couple spindly looking things. Last year though, I did mange one healthy looking tomato plant.  I even put some wire and sticks to get it to stand out, and the plant produced three lovely, firm, juicy tomatoes, and two smaller, but still tasty ones.  We savored one sliced on bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, and two others on hamburgers. The small ones came with me to work and were eaten with salt and pepper, alongside a hardboiled egg for lunch.  They were an expensive indulgence though.

$3.45 bag of top soil

$1.29 wire and sticks

$3.90 three tomato plants

$8.64  Total

$1.73 per tomato  Ok, I exagerated a but in my title but the point is clear.

I bought many more last summer at a local farm stand. The farm stand price per tomato varied between 3 for $1.00 and $1.00 a tomato, depending on supply and demand in the growing season. Yes, I could go bankrupt continuing my gardening delusion. I still take a little pride in my attempt, and think there was something satisfying in eating the ones grown myself. I’m giving the gardening container a try.  So far I have $6.00 invested in the seed starts for the tomatoes and peppers.  I will need some good soil when it is time to move to bigger pots, so probably another $3.00 or so. I will consider a return of 6 tomatoes and 6 peppers a success!


  1. Ooh, been there, done that! For me, growing vegetables is not the piece of cake many bloggers seem to find it. I think tomatoes are quite a difficult thing to grow so don't beat yourself up about it.I've never even tried growing peppers, largely because I eat very few of them. I major on beans of as wide a variety as I can - broad beans, several types of dwarf bean, runner beans, whatever I can find.

    1. My sister in law gets a bounty of green beans. I get to enjoy some as she brings a good amount to the family lake place. Are they good to try in containers?

  2. We have found we have extreme success with green beans, okra, cherry tomatoes and some herbs. We fed the yard chipmunks very well last year. They had no trouble climbing the tomato plants, which left us with mounds of half eaten almost ripe tomatoes. (The cherry tomatoes limbs are to thin to support their weight.) We are not even going to try growing regular ones this year and tomatoes will be on my regular farmers market list.

    1. Cherry tomatoes-love them. Maybe I'll give those a try if I get braver. I forgot to mention rabbits thwarted my efforts as well.

  3. I LOVE your goal :)
    6 tomatoes and 6 peppers sounds like a very attainable mission.

    1. I hope your confidence in me is deserved. I can almost taste a good grilled pepper and tomato salad.


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