Friday, August 7, 2015

A Break in Routine

Are human beings truly creatures of habit? Without conscientiously challenging ourselves to try and do new things, or the same things in different ways, are we prone to all fall into complacent, even if comfortable, lives?  I created the Must list a few weeks back now as part of the minimalist challenge.  It isn't going great-little successes, but not any wide sweeping changes, and we are approaching the 21 day marker this weekend. I'll keep moving forward, but I think my real block is that this is forcing me to change routines, some I wasn't even aware of. I think my ruts, in meal preparations, in activities, in fashion (lack thereof), are all examples of routines that have run.their course. 

I've added a couple blogs to my reading list written by 40 and 50 somethings on food, style, and health. I'm hoping to glean a bit of  inspiration to break up some of these routines, but in ways that are done by  everyday people living their everyday lives in real time, and not by a magazine writer, written three months in advance of publishing. 

And I need a vacation.  I'm not complaining, more of a whine, but I have not had more than a three day weekend for time off since October when I took two consecutive days, but then was still wired to the office by cell phone, text, and e-mail. I didn't take a break between job changes in March. Of course all my new coworkers are on their regular vacation cycles, Facebook is loaded with them, and I've nothing planned until October, so I am very envious. Part of it is that DH used a week of his vacation before his dad passed away, and then time since for his mom, so he doesn't have the time off right now. I'm still trying to figure out the elusive mini get away, but summer is quickly. Didn't I change jobs to have more down time? I did get that in my day to day, but vacations are a total recharge, and needed.

Here is a routine changer. In the last week, I've been participating in a morning Rise and Link blogging experiment.  If you want to read more, click the previous link.  Have a visit to my other blog, Sam and Writing if your feeling curious-I'd love to hear what you think.

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