Friday, April 22, 2016

Latte Art-A New Skill to Master

I love coffee. I really love a latte but am usually not willing to pay the price. I found a way via some magazine feed on Facebook for how to make a homemade version of a latte without a fancy milk steamer or frother. Above is a picture of one I made a while back. I put a 1/4 -1/3 of a cup of milk in a container, shake it until it is frothy and heat in the microwave.  I then pour it onto the richest, strongest brew I can muster in my kitchen. It is my little indulgence every now and then. While fancy for my kitchen with the creamy milk going to the bottom and the foam staying on top, it can't compete with coffee house art. But hey, mine cost about $ .50

However, I think I can add coffee barista to my list of jobs I want in retirement if I can master latte art. I got sucked in to these little video tutorials after clicking a Twitter link from @coaccoffeeaddict. I volunteer to be part of the judge and clean-up crew, drinking my way through the samples. I may give this a go tomorrow morning. At least I get to drink my test samples. Blissfully caffeinated-Sam


  1. That is really pretty but I can never imagine me having the patience to do that

    1. They do it so fast-like pouring regular milk.I just don't want to pay $5.00 for one so worth a try.


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