Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Life Has Been Absolutely Batty

Life has been a little crazy the last four days. Crashed computers,  changing airline flights, sun burn, gastrointestinal problems, and yes, let's not forget bat bites and rounds of injections to ward of rabies, all these were in play the last 96 hours. Even the  dog knows something is up as he has been moodier than usual, stealing more things and guarding stuff even more random. Saturday it was a piece of sheet music, Over the Rainbow to be exact, and wouldn't let DD2 get to it. Shall I start at the beginning?

I have a massive year end report I have been trying to get off my plate and on to our communications area before end of day Wednesday so I have a day or two to answer any preliminary questions before leaving for vacation. First I needed to get to our analytics area to make sure any data I provided meets standards for privacy measures, ties out with other data, and just generally is appropriate. I lost several hours on Thursday  working on it as a few urgency's came up, but knew I could plug away off an on on the weekend. Nope, Thursday night my computer refused to cooperate, and yesterday I limped around until one of our awesome IT people set me up with a new configuration. I advise anyone that needs to touch a computer to make friends with your IT people. Even with a new to me running lap top, I feel eight hours behind. No, I am at least eight hours behind.

We received information in the mail for the vacation from MIL's travel agent. Remember this is the trip that I didn't plan, and have had no direct touch on any of the arrangements? All the paper documentation was different than all electronic confirmation we received on flights. There were multiple bookings too, and part of my family is with my SIL's family, some is alone, so the record locators were different. I think I have it figured out by trying to back track record numbers and searching on the airline sites directly, but it caused a minor panic when I had 10:30 in my head, and then DD1 mentioned it was 7:50. Still struggling with what to pack, I am doing purging as I look through DD2's things. She went with friends all day on Sunday on a boat on the river, and despite massive amounts and frequent applications of sun screen, got a nasty burn on her back and shoulders. We doused her with a lot of aloe, but she will be sore a few days and then the itch will come. I had several bad arthritis days in a row, so swallowed more pain meds than I have been. The result being my stomach feels like an Olympic swimmer has been doing laps in there. I'm a bit anxious about how the long flight and first day at sea might be on Saturday if I don't get this under control. 

The piece de resistance of the weekend was the clinic, emergency room, clinic activity for DH. Mowing the grass, he disrupted a sleeping bat that decided my overgrown raspberry bushes would be a great nesting area. It flew right at him. At first he just thought he got pricked from the bushes, but later noticed a little mark, different from the other pokes he had. Not to take chances, he went into the clinic who said yes he would need to have the series of four injections, but he'd have to go to the ER for round one as they didn't have the right combination there. There was confusion on when and how the next doses would go, so he sleuthed his own resources and connected the clinic with the Minnesota Department of Health. He's back Wednesday, then late Friday, and the final on Monday after we are back. DH, like DS, is very anxious with needles, so his blood pressure soared for a it-mine would too with 8 shots at one visit.  It did lower after the first ordeal was done. 

It's been a few days since posting, and this has nothing to do with coffee, money, or time. The evening calendar is full plus finalizing packing. I may be quieter in this space for the next 12 days or so, but I'm not gone. I ordered my new camera finally, and it is coming today so hopefully will have some great pictures to show you in weeks to come. Have a great week and we'll talk next time I'm not chasing airline reservations or flying things in the night. 


  1. Stay away from me(hold her fingers out in a cross in front of self).
    Good grief, that is a mess of epic proportions. It has been a bit nuts here not as bad as you but still stressful. I had a dream last night about all the craziness and in my dream I stumbled upon the answer-the matrix was being reset.

    1. We must have all the bad karma out now, and smooth sailings the rest of the month. that's how it's supposed to work, right?

    2. I told Den about your problems last night and we were talking about how everyone is having oddities happen in their life. It doesn't happen often but Den thinks I'm right, the matrix is being changed. I mean, I did sort of catch them adding code.

    3. How come the code never gets changed so the oddities atrocious good things?

  2. Wow, that's a lot going on, before you even get to bat bite. You're going to need that holiday!

    1. It has been a long time since i have had more than a long weekend, so the time is much appreciated. I only get about three weeks of formal vacation time, then my two Fridays, so have been saving them a bit.

  3. Well holy bat-crap (get it tee hee) Who gets bit by a bat? Definitely have a great time on your holiday, you deserve it

    1. No twilight thing going on-just bad luck. I feel so bad for him, but it must be something in our family. His Brother in law got bit last summer and had to go through the same treatment.

  4. Wow, just wow! I'm with Cheapchick. I have never known anyone who was bitten by a bat, not even my SIL who had bats roosting in her crawlspace.

    1. and two in our family within a year. Apparently Minnesota has an insurgence of bats because of so much rain and water, breeding grounds for mosquito, the bats favorite food. We had them in the old cabin as well, but got them out.

  5. Blimey you do need your holiday. I hope it's stress free and you have a great time. Enjoy.

    1. Now to get through the week nights-voting tonight in the primary, DH birthday tomorrow, going away party for a coworker on Thursday, and another 50th Birthday celebration Friday night. I'm glad the right tickets are 10:30-not 7:50.


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