Monday, September 18, 2017

Barge Living

We had a whole Sunday with nothing on the calendar for DH and I. DD2 was a full dance day for choir from non until 8:00. I got a bit of laundry done, made a pot of soup that was going to be supper but ended up being lunch,watched Manchester United kick some serious but on television, followed by DH watching the MN Vikings seriously disappoint. He wanted to go out for supper or for drinks and appetizers at least. Instead, I talked him into a walk by the river, followed by having grilled hot dogs and drinks on the deck at home. Budget, remember; no exaggeration, each hot dog on the bun came to a whopping 17 cents! Of course we can't eat  hot dogs every day, but compared to bar menu food, it did just fine. I like Sunday slow days, when there is no one watching the clock, but the day moves on and you still feel like some things were accomplished. 

While down town, a barge came through the lock and dam, and then the railroad bridge needed to be raised. I was trying to get a good picture of it approaching and then going under the bridge. Surprisingly it moved faster than I think of barges moving. River barges-yet, another Sam analogy for life. Even on the what I think are slow days with not much happening, life still moves forward, quicker than I might be thinking, all while waiting patiently for the water to level, for bridge decks to make way.


  1. Glad you had a relaxed day. !7 cent hot dogs sounds like a win to me!
    Life does move and the older I get the faster time flies.

    1. I can't fault DHS too much when he brings home $ .52 a pacl dogs to go in my 83 cent Aldi buns. I know they are not healthy but it's not even a weekly meal, plus we had lighter soup earlier.

  2. I love days like that! Switching up a dinner out to even your least healthy at home meal is often still a good dietary tradeoff, to say nothing of the money saved. Cheers for cheap dogs. ;-)

    1. We didn't have beer, but that would have been pretty good!

  3. You know hot dogs and wine just do it for me not all the time but life is about enjoyment and it would be a sad life if we couldn't enjoy cheap hotdogs now and again wouldn't it? Do some yoga and eat the dogs lol

    1. I wish I would have had beer in the house, but I settled for a cocktail.

  4. How nice is a day like that?!!! And the barge looks amazing. Is it a passenger barge? I tried to enlarge it to see it closer, but no good..

    1. I'm not sure. I've seen that one before, but I think only people that work on it live on it.


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