Saturday, October 7, 2017

Bean Burger Near Disaster and the Rest of My Plans

Earlier in the week I soaked then cooked up the pound of navy beans. Half were going into the bean burgers, the other in baked beans. They needed to be seasoned so I used some garlic salt, ground pepper, chili powder, and onion slat. I had minced an onion and grated a carrot, and cooked down a couple dozen grape tomatoes. When I added the mushed beans, the texture was good, flavor OK, but a bit bland. In adding more spice, the cover came off the garlic salt.  I tried getting most out, but there is so much in the mixture. I wasn't planning on adding any more ingredients, but in hope of diluting the salt, I added an egg and 1 1/2 cups of quick oats. Now I have 6 huge pan  burgers, but don't know if they will be edible.The baked beans, on the other hand look delicious. I added the remains of a bottle of BBQ sauce, 2 Tbsp of brown sugar, a squirt of ketchup, minced onions and ground pepper, and poured in a baking dish to throw in the oven later today. 

DH is going to a memorial service for his aunt today. She past away a couple months ago in Florida, but lived in western Wisconsin for most of their life so have tons of friends and extended family that did not go to the funeral.  The venue is very small and they needed a specific head count. I was originally scheduled for a work function,so did not RSVP.  I feel bad not going now but it would throw DH's schedule off as he is going to just leave work for a couple hours and pop into the service, see his uncle, and head out. With a free day, my plans are to catch up reading some blogs and Twitter, write a few posts myself, laundry and other household necessities, and start preparing for our weekend away on Friday. 

DD2 slept at a friends. It was homecoming, but the dance is not her thing. Still, she'll come home exhausted, so I may run to the farmers market and see what they have for pumpkins for the porch while she catches up on sleep then dives into homework. I bought a cute little scarecrow at the Dollar Tree and may stop and get a couple more for the end of the driveway. I might buy another sheet of window clings as well. We don't need any groceries as both DH and I did a little top off for the coming week. My sister invited us for pulled pork sandwiches and potatoes tonight. I'll bring the baked beans and some chocolate chip cookies, plus a few bottles of wine and have a nice night with family. What's keeping you busy this weekend?Are you doing all things fall, or spring have you for my NZ sand Aussie readers?

An update; I went ahead and baked them in a 400 oven, 10 minutes per side. Eureka! I may have salvaged them. They are saltier than I would have liked, but I think the oatmeal did the trick in toning down the overkill, plus there is a nice texture. I will make again but next time-no salt, but double the chili powder. If I wasn't using up grape tomatoes, adding 1/2 cup of spicy salsa would be nice. Since we do not need for dinner, I'm freezing for work lunches for the week and will eat on a skinny round for a bun. I'll bring a little chili mayo for a topping.


  1. Glad to hear you managed to rescue them. Getting the texture right can be a bit of a trial so it sounds like you did a great job.

    1. They held together well, and tough saltier than preferred, the taste is good. Waste not.

  2. It always seems like my heart stops when I over-season. Good save.

    1. I had my mom's voice in y head, you can never fix too much salt. She used little to no seasoning.

  3. I've never made bean burgers, but those look great! I made granola bars yesterday. Last time I made this recipe, they were too liquid-y & wouldn't set up. This time, I had the opposite problem. Too crumble-y. I'll have to eat them as granola vs a bar. The flavor is amazing. One day I will master this. ;-)

    1. As long as end result is edible, I'll keep experimenting. Even an Aldi Bean Burger,smallish, are for $3.89 I believe. I did a rough calculation and these are $ .33 a big burger. More heat-less salt next time.

  4. I have made bean burgers, but they did not go over well with TheHub. It's a shame because I thought they were pretty darn good. Great save

    1. Note that I plan on just eating them mostly for my own lunches. DH might tolerate them on a rare occasion, but I don't think he would consider them worthy of ongoing meals. I think they kind of taste like the bean burger in a pita that we had at the local Nando's ( a UK piri piri chicken place) near our hotel in London. It was a quick meal after the end of a long sight seeing day, so when I eat them, I imagine I've just been out and about for the day. Flavors do that to me.


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