Friday, October 6, 2017

Feelig Good Friday-Short and Sweet Edition

It's a good thing I was full of words on Sunday or I would have had little in my blogs this week. I'm in the rut this week about writing-nothing seems interesting to me, let alone to subject the rest of the world to. However, I'm using my Friday, despite my rut, to document points of health and well being. Reminding myself that I have seen positive changes in my life is important. 

  •  I've been participating in a variety of charitable giving  events at work that have been social, getting me out of just my division, and helping the agency meet our October giving goals. We've had chili cook offs, an ice cream parlor, and a rescue animal tongue wag fund. When giving got to a certain  point, the tongue started wagging on the dog-a coworker created it. 
  •  I spent two days in a closed room with folks from 10 states, picking up all their travel bugs. I think I warded off a bad cold into a less bad cold by heavily hydrating.
  • I got the pound of navy beans cooked and now will experiment in making navy bean burgers this weekend. I'm eager for a cooking challenge.  
  • Found episodes of Season 7 and now Season 8 of Doc Martin on YouTube. I am a huge Doc Martin fan but Netflix only went to season 6, and it was a depressing season, I thought. I like where season 7 is going. 
  • Despite two days of conference food (they fed us well) too much rain and too little outdoor walking, I maintained my weight this week. I tried adding some desk abdominal exercises as I was desk bound yesterday.
I am on vacation starting next Friday and am so looking forward to it. Other than a few long weekends, I haven't had a proper vacation in a year. That is my number one feeling good strategy thought going into a new weekend. How did you do this week in your health and well being goals?


  1. We LOVE Doc Martin!!! I think we finished the last season, but maybe not... I don't remember which one we left it at. I would love to live in one of those villages...

    1. Louisa and Doc are going through therapy and he lives in a separate cottage-I'm at the one where the doctor has the car accident and she is a bit off character in her therapy session.

  2. Sounds like you had a good week in spite of being stuck in a conference room! I think maintaining during a conference week can be considered a win.

    1. Breakfast, lunch and treats both days! Since I spent $22 n parking each day, I felt obligated to eat the meals provided.

  3. Bing! Right there - self compassion :) my last blog topic! and I did well this week by playing volleyball 3 times and getting out for long bike rides on the bike trails - that always puts a smile on my face :)

    1. How is your injury doing? I take it the heeling is going well based on your activity-good for you.

  4. It's rough when you are in long meetings. I did pretty well. I walked to work one day (7 miles), did a 2 hour hike yesterday, and lots of yard work in between. My goal is for yoga today, to round out the week.

    1. That is an amazingly long walk before a work day. Well done. It looks beautiful today so a hike is in order.

  5. Just back from Greece and doing some catch-up reading. I love Doc Martin too and I have a huge soft spot for PC Joe Penhale!! Anna

    1. The people in the village-so unique. I like PC Penhale better than Mark-he was a good edition. Do you remember the one he was trying to train Buddy as a sniffer dog-search and rescue so cute.


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