Thursday, October 5, 2017

Keep Going On

I wrote several posts for the week on Sunday. Content ideas that would have been a really long post so wrote about the farm visit, my menu suggestions, and overpriced foods separately and used the scheduler in blogger. This is my actual first post that I've written since the latest shooting horror Sunday night. Now, Thursday, I just want to pause a moment and say how sorry I am for all who experienced loss and pain in Las Vegas. I wish there was more that I could do. Instead, I listen and read about the victims, thank God for my family, and pray that other families get the support they need. 

I get angry hearing gun rights advocates, but I'm not starting a political debate. At least the big orange moron didn't say anything stupid and offensive this time-I guess he used up dumb in Puerto Rico. Still, despite my distrust of all people associated with this administration, now is the time to support efforts to repair the country, get our brothers and sisters living in decent homes again, back to jobs to support their families. It's time to give back to our communities, state, nation, and world. It's time to just keep going on.


  1. No more political debate from me either. At least not today. Let families grieve their losses and love and support each other.

    1. I truly have no idea what the answer is, but know hating on people without trying to fix the root causes will not help.

  2. Yes, you are very right Sam. There are a lot of people hurting from Hurricanes and guns right now, some healing and fixing is necessary

    1. I just wish there could be some real leadership on any of these painful issues. I guess in the absence of that, I'll try and do my part better.


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