Monday, October 30, 2017

Meal Plan Monday-Back to (Cooking) School

Meals this week will be humble and made ahead and making good use of leftovers. I’m signed up with a few friends to take a cooking class on Wednesday. The price was a bit steep at $100, but that includes the class, plus all the ingredients and take home containers for 5 meals that are suggested to feed 4-6 people. Since there are only three of us, I hope to double the count, certainly if I make salad to go along. It is Italian themed, so not overly inspiring since I make so many Italian based recipes already, but the night should be fun. I hope it doesn’t get cancelled as Saturday they didn’t have their minimum number so were extending registration another day. 

Possible and probable meals this week include:

·         Vegetable curry with rice

·         Spaghetti and Italian meatballs (not one of the dinners)

·         Bean soup (from freezer) and egg salad sandwiches

·         Orange chicken with Asian noodles and mixed vegetables

·         Turkey Tacos, Spanish rice and beans

·         Take home meals-2 of them perhaps with leftovers, other three for the freezer If the class cancels, we'll just punt.

The class is being offered by a new Hyvee store. There is one later in the month with a paleo theme. I’ll see how much I like this one, and what the verdict is on the recipes before committing to another. For a girl’s night out, it might be fun plus leaving with a head start on future meals.  Has anyone else ever done those prepare and take classes or services? Is it a good bargain, or are you paying for entertainment more than the groceries?


  1. I think you have to consider these things as social events and food prep events, just as you seem to be doing. I don't do cookery classes but I do card making classes and for my £8 I get three or four cards, a morning's entertainment and socialising, extra knowledge and coffee as well. AS the cost of three cards it would be expensive, for a morning out it would be more than I pay, but when I consider it overall it's brilliant value for money.

    1. Isee our community education is offering card making classes. that could be a fun night, but date doesn't work. With these same friends, I did a sign/stencil on wood class last month.

  2. I have taken many cookery classes over the years and while many have been disappointing I feel that they are social and if I pick up an interesting way to use new things I count that as a plus. If you get a great recipe for a l'arrabiata sauce please pass it on. I have never managed to recreate that. Ann

    1. I'll do a full review. I'm assuming it is a go-no cancellation notice.

  3. I think you are spot on looking at it as entertainment as well as meals. I agree with the comment above that it is a good value when you factor in social time and meal prep.
    I have taken a couple of classes for things I was interested in learning. If I ever find a sugar class I am going to take it. I would love learning how to pull it and make really cool things.

    1. Beside the card making, I noticed a Norwegian baking class. You would think being 90% Scandinavian some of the baking secrets would have worn on me, but no. Sugar pulling would be fun.

  4. YUM! What a good list! I made garbage chili tonight. It'll just be me eating it. I didn't have any tomato sauce outside of some leftover pizza sauce from the fridge, so I added a can of tomato soup and some chili seasoning and onion soup mix. AND dumped in some salsa. The crock pot is on high and we'll see what happens to it later... But it's tradition for chili on beggars night, so even if no one else is home with me, I'm having chili.

    1. Chili and hot dogs was our standard meal for decades. Now with just DD2, usually around, or not around as of late due to friends, it dropped off a few years ago. I bet your chili will be delicious.

  5. Replies
    1. I have to enjoy when I make because my daughter claims all leftovers.


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