Sunday, October 29, 2017

How Not to Lose Weight

I struggle with getting to and then maintaining a healthy, or at least healthier weight. As it turns out, there are humans that have the opposite problem, and not do to economical factors. Their bodies literally use more calories than they consume. A colleague who is underweight has struggled her whole life with keeping weight on, and suffered hearing insensitive comments like, "Eat a sandwich once in a while.", or "They have treatment programs for eating disorders." I wish it was so easy, that my lessons of wisdom on how not to lose weight could be applied to them. 

October has been beating my healthy eating, healthy living goals. It's all down to me, and my less than stellar choices.With tongue firmly in my cheek, here are a few lessons I can share on how not to lose weight. 
  •  Don't worry about the amount of bread and refined grain products you consume. All calories are equal right? 
  • If a few pieces of candy corn taste a treat, a handful will taste better. It's only once a year after all. 
  • When your thirsty, rehydrate with whatever is handy, even if it is a sugar filled can of pop. When eating out, go ahead and let the server refill your glass of pop-what a bargain. 
  • Eat fat filled appetizers  before your meal with extended family. Someone worked hard making that spinach and artichoke and the buffalo chicken dips.
  • Don't worry about your five a day for fruits and vegetables. It's just a suggestion anyway, right? 
  • Go ahead and Internet surf for 30 minute before heading into the shower instead of taking a walk. It's cold and dark in the mornings now.
  • When eating out, order whatever you feel like on the menu. Food eaten outside the home, even when portions are double, don't really count in your diet plan. 
Follow these tips and 90% of you will not only not lose any weight, but may be as many as seven pounds heavier by the end of November. I am proof positive that making really bad food and exercise choices will get you the weight gain you deserve. 

Now, as Willy Wonka once said, "Stop. Reverse that."


  1. definite nemesis. Cutting back on food is so bloody hard for people who love to eat like me. My only option is to increase activity :(

    1. I need to do both-I loe food, but need to find healthier alternatives, plus increase exercise.

  2. I am laughing as I read this. I might need to add one more item to your bullet points
    Massive doses of chocolate

    1. Ah, yes,. I did not buy any Halloween candy until this weekend for that reason-still, two more days to undue my resolve now that it is in the house.

  3. Yep I know all about that. My ex was a skinny Lizzie (think 112 pounds) so particularly when I was pregnant we looked like Laurel and Hardy! I put on about 40 lbs with the menopause and still have to get my head around the fact that I can't eat like I used to (even though I eat very healthily) without putting on weight. On the other hand, I love to cook and think anything can be improved by the addition of full cream! Oh sod it, I guess it will go subliminally at some point. Anna

    1. I tweaked a cheese tortellini soup recipe and used skim milk instead of cream. Still cheese filled pasta, but a few calories saved. It was good but noticed cream was missing.

  4. Do you have a "hover weight?" That's what I call it when you're close to the next highest weight you don't want to 129 lbs or 139 lbs or 149 lbs. As long as you don't go into the next number, you feel okay. That's me. I'm hovering at 139, the most I have ever ever weighed, even more than when I was 9 months pregnant!! I need to go on a diet, but I will go insane if I have to eat less than I do now. :-/

    1. If I hovered at 139, I'd be so happy!. I know what you mean, but I need to lose a lot of weight, so my hover weights need to be pulled way down as well.


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