Monday, November 27, 2017

Menu Monday-Post Food Coma Edition

I ate well, and now, it is time to make sure we eat healthy. With my older daughter here though, her good behaviors rubbed off on me, and we made heavy use of vegetables as a main feature in each of our meals, nachos, cheese curds, and hot wings excluded. We were the recipients of free acorn squash from a little coffee house and I bought a spare that I didn't cook for Thanksgiving, so think I will try and step up my game this week and incorporate them into a meal or two. I'm still trying to only keep what we need for meals and a few snacks, so am continuing to plan meal options. We'll use leftovers for lunches, and I've got plenty of ingredients for muffins, quick breads, and pancakes. I've done fairly well in November planning and having good variety, but without being too rigid. (Haven't yet made tuna hot dish and turkey meatloaf though both were in the options for weeks). without further ado, here's my families potential for happy munching. 

  • Bean Soup-a gift from my sister, cheddar and ham biscuits
  • Rice hot dish with mixed vegetables
  • Homemade chicken nuggets, sweet potato fries, green beans
  • Goulash, broccoli and carrot salad 
  • Rotini and squash in a mushroom white sauce
  • Red pepper and ground turkey sliders, squash risotto
  • Tuna cakes, steemed carrots,  julienne potatoes

I ref volleyball every Wednesday until Christmas, so need to prep ahead on Monday or Tuesday for DH to throw in the oven or reheat in the microwave. DD2 is home after 7:30. I'm trying to get her to plan ahead and bring a PB&J to curb her hunger, but so often the kids run and grab something to eat. She's not a fast food fan, and would prefer just having the sandwich, but planning isn't always our forte. Mondays need to be quick as I am not home until 6:00 or a bit after, and she leaves again at 6:45. Again, make ahead and reheat works best, since DH works late. I hope the suash dishes go over. They are a pseudo recipe-inspired by a post, but I'lll make how I think we would most enjoy. If successful, I'll share how I make them.What's on your plate this week?


  1. Busy week - but free squash - that rocks!

  2. Squash is the best and it makes great pie! Or try acorn squash soup.

  3. I've just roasted off our last home grown butternut squash tonight. I shall make soup with it later on in the week which will do us for supper one night.

  4. We are still battling the flu residual symptoms (cough and sore throat from incessant coughing) so we have had soup in some form or another for every single meal since Friday. I guess we will be having soup a few more days.

  5. What a lovely gesture from the coffee shop.

    My parents came to visit last week and brought me a stalk of brussel sprouts, they are so delicious, my father is a great gardener. This week we're eating lots of risotto, stir fries and of course sprouts! We're eating light, knowing that over the next few weeks our food intake will increase!


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