Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

This picture was taken several years ago as I had the opportunity to meet with members of the Obama Administration in the Eisenhower Federal Office buiding. Perhaps some day I'll work in DC, maye getting the opportunity to walk by these monuments and reminders of our country's fore fathers on a regular basis. Virginia is on our list of retirement or semi retirement places-meaning where I mightt still be working after DH retires. It would not be under the current administration though-enough said. However I feel it would be a privledge to work on  behalf of all people in this country, working to improve life for all, helping to create equity, access, and opportunity for all. To me, this is what I feel our fore fathers truly meant and what our military defends. I am truly thankful for the sacrifices made by past and current  military members, and my heart holds those that died defending my right to work for equity now. 


  1. You have a pure heart and not a selfish bone in your body as revealed by your reason to work in DC. Practical Parsimony

    1. I like to think that those civil servants,the peers I worked with over the years and still do tangentially are in their jobs for the right reasons.


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