Thursday, June 7, 2018

June: Completing the 6 Month Mark of 2018

It is well into June, the 7th to be exact and by months end 2018 will be half done. I'm not sure what to think about the year so far. I'd like to go into  the second half feeling a sense of accomplishment, if only little things like mastering a few budget challenges or getting a few more areas of my home tackled. June has been an odd budget month already. We've spent $141 on household and groceries, but not sure what I really have on hand. DD2 is done with school today and works tonight and tomorrow before taking ACT test number 2 on Saturday. She's then leaving later that afternoon with a friends family for a nine day road trip and stay in Kentucky. Meals next week will be clean out odds and ends and popcorn and fruit for myself most likely if I don't feel like any cooking for nights with just me. I'm not planning to do any real shopping until she's home, but the month will be more than half done. I'm sending her money for meals on the road plus $100 towards grocery costs, so challenging myself to $350 on the home front for June. I'm helping a few friends with grad party food items so need a little cushion. 

I have to get our rail travel booked and we decided to purchase the 3 Day Paris pass. Between the convenience of not having to Wait in line to purchase tickets plus a few places that there are fast passes, even if it just breaks even for the places we want to go, it seems worth it in time savings. Doing both of these purchases tomorrow, the expenses will be in our June VISA still, leaving just the cash we spend in Europe, plus a few final payments for accommodations to take care of. While we may not meet our 2018 savings goals, I'm not stressed about finances. I'm trying to not stress about anything-that is my summer goal.

My computer is really on it's last leg. I need to get some items transferred off this hard drive before it dies completely. I may borrow DD2's for a while until I figure out what I want and how much I am willing to spend. Upgrading technology I guess is summer goal two. I'm off to work. I'm going to fill up my gas tank and get my free cup of coffee. Nice little treat to end my work week. Have a good Thursday.


  1. It's going around--our desktop is on its last leg. I think it's time to replace it. Earlier in the year, DH got DS2, DD and me each a laptop. As much as I didn't want to admit it, it had come to the point where they really needed them for school. Eldest DS has our desktop, but is really going to need a laptop sooner rather than later, so that is on DH's agenda this weekend. I am not bothered about it, though, because not only is this kid set to do our dual enrollment program at the local 2-year college in fall, he also took it upon himself to register for an online summer class as well, to lessen his senior year course load! The state doesn't cover the tuition for summer quarter, but again, that's a fee I will pay without hesitation. ANYTHING to keep this kid motivated academically. Knock on wood, Sam! (He is overjoyed that next year he will only be required to be in the HS for one period--he truly despises that environment.) In any case, a laptop is a necessity for him. Sure, he could borrow mine, but I have gotten to where I simply don't like people messing with it. I am guessing that while DH and DS are laptop shopping, they will also replace the desktop...which I confess, DS appropriates mainly for his silly gaming!

    I hope your spirits are staying lifted. You've been in my thoughts. I love your blog, and look forward to your new posts.
    Aaaaand, as my kids are wont to say, "It's Friday eve!"

    1. DD1 only took two classes at the high school both her junior and senior year. She too was ready to leave the school environment behind. She was a good student already, but absolutely soared at the local community college, taking as many classes as they would allow, plus working a lot of hours in a part time job. She graduated high school with honors and a year of college behind her, allowing her to finish two bachelors in 3.5 years, which then allowed her to work for nearly 9 months full time before going off to complete grad school in a year. Different environments make a world of difference for kids. I'm so happy for your son and wish him the best of luck as he takes this on. What computers did your husband end up getting? I'd like some recommendations.

    2. Dell, Dell and Dell. Always Dell with him. Always.
      DS should have a year of college under his belt by hs graduation next year if all goes well. Had he pulled his head out earlier, he would be heading into his second year of this program. But, it's better he figured it out on his own. I simply don't understand it, as I was quite driven academically, for all I loathed the school environment. If my parents were alive, I am sure they would remind me that shortly before Christmas break ended my senior year in hs, I flat out refused to return to the hs. To address this, my father enrolled me in classes at the college where he was a department chair. Those credits transferred to my college of choice, allowing me to have several light semesters while working on my BA.

    3. In the long run, probably best that this was his own motivation. I'll look at Dell's. That is what we have at work but I kn the price point is much higher than other but probably a case of you get what you pay for.

  2. We are also in the home stretch of school! The kids will be away for 3 weeks, back for a couple of days & then gone again for 12 days. (We are with them, but not at "home" for 2 weeks). I'm in training, people are traveling. I've been working on making a plan for our menu that doesn't involve a lot of grocery shopping, as I'll also give my parents money for splurges while they have the boys, and M & I will likely have multiple dates while the kids are at camp.

    1. This is when having a ton of cooked, ready to go chicken that can be throw in with sauce or top a salad or throw in a wrap is so useful. Good for you planning the date nights now.


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