Thursday, July 12, 2018

Coffee Hack

When was I last writing about my coffee pots being on the fritz? I'm at it again, the decision to buy a new coffee maker or not. I'm trying to decalcify the Keurig, but so far, not having any luck. It might truly be the tubing inside is shot. Not wanting to spend any unnecessary money right now, I'll limp along with the slow big coffee maker or for my daily cup of Joe, this little pour over hack. Pour over filter coffee, made one cup at a time is the new thing in some coffee shops and at a premium price. I have filters; I have coffee; I can hear  water in the tea kettle. I decided to give it a try. Here is my simple hack of using a 12 ounce jelly jar, with the lid to secure the filter from slipping. It did the job. 

I know I could go out an buy a $15 to $20 coffee maker, or buy a French press for about the same. I want to make sure though I'm not just throwing money without getting what I really want. I keep the coffee makers on my counter, so aesthetically, I want to like how it looks. I have a couple gift cards, one for Kohl's and a VISA gift card. Once I decide I can put them to use, but layered with other perks and savings. Until then, this will do for my morning cup. It is tasty.


  1. Our keurig had been acting up and though I do have a ten cup automatic brew pot, I really only use it when company comes. I love having a freshly made cup every time I drink one and also found I was wasting a lot of coffee making a pot for just me. One of the gifts TheHub got for Christmas (corporate type gifts) was a French press with speciality coffees and teas so I hauled it out and started using it. I like the coffee fine but I found I missed convenience of the keruig terribly. Even though I make my own fake K cups daily I missed having coffee instantly. I watched Youtube videos and read how to blogs and finally got it back in working order (at least for now) Have you tried resetting it?

    1. Well, I didn't know there is such a thing as a reset! I will explore this tomorrow morning. I use a reusable pod as well, and the Keurig has been very good for my type of use. Making sure the coffee filter doesn't slip has been a bit of a pin. I think I might have crossed into "Cheap" but I don't want waste money on a new Keurig if it can be fixed, plus, the full coffee maker as you said, is a waste too often for one coffee drinker.

  2. See, you are handling this like an adult - dh would be declaring this the EMERGENCY to end all EMERGENCIES if his coffee maker wasn't working and he had to "hack" coffee, lolz. I don't drink coffee, but do have a Diet Coke addition, so I know where he is coming from but....geez, it's not like it is Diet Coke or anything :)

    1. I will replace, but really want to figure the Keurig out. This is stop gap at best.

  3. Okay I think you need to buy a new pot, come on girl coffee is important. You deserve, need this. I said so. blame me I can take it.

    1. I'm being stubborn. I know I can get the darn thing working!


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