Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sluggy's Summer Give Away

Don't forget that goodies may await you! Just a few more days for Sluggy's summer give away at Don't Read This, It's Boring.

As a previous winner, I can attest to the treasures. Speaking of treasure, well savings anyway, I spent $0 on our rivertown days. I'm a bit of a Scrooge with the festivities anyway, but I ignored the craft show and food trucks. Instead, DD2 and I, in my quest to build endurance went out to the regional park for a long nature hike. We plan to tackle new paths every couple days.


  1. Lucky you to have won such. I admit I can't figure out the rules so I can't participate.

    1. I think you just leave a comment as your entry. It's a little Sluggy fun.

  2. Building endurance is good. I can ignore the food trucks. But, I love a good craft show even if I don't buy anything.

    1. The food trucks tempt me with tastes of restaurants we don't have. I resisted though.

  3. You are stronger than I am - no way could I have passed up the craft fair - I'm a sucker for anything handmade :)

  4. " build endurance.." - I like the phrase. Never thought of it that way. It is sport terminology and it shows how seriously you take things.

    Anyway, in order to fully enjoy your trip,and be able to explore the places you'll be visiting, all you need is to be as light as possible physically.

    1. True, but also buuld some muscle and tolerance. I know thin people that can't walk nearly as far as I can.

  5. Good for you passing up the things you want but don't need.

    1. I keep reminding myself m house is too crammed and my savings too low to justify needless spending. Not always successful, but trying.


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