Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Everything Pants

I wasn't really looking for much of anything last Saturday when I wandered into the Goodwill while DD2 was taking her ACT test. I had just found the perfect shirt, on clearance for $16, but not thrifted prices. Still, wandering around the rows of tat, and well over priced second hand items like this French Press for $14.99 (WTF-which don't be shocked, really stands for What's This Foolishness).It was on the shelf in reverse, and I was interested at first and may have purchased if under $5.00 but this was crazy priced. While still with the box, it was not brand new.

I cringed when I saw the number of fondue pots on the shelves. Last year as a shower gift I spent nearly $30 on a fondue pot for my nieces wedding shower, picked from her Target registry. Wile for the large number of pots on the shelf, I thought $9.99 was too much, still for items that looked virtually unused, much better than a $30 item she will most likely use one time a year after the initial wonder of married life wears off. When my kids get married, I will definitely encourage them to look for these type items second hand. I have a love hate thought about gift registries. While people I know would genuinely appreciate the thought of  any gift given, I want to select something they personally have identified as a wish and a registry makes that so easy to do. On the other hand, I think it encourages putting things on the registry that likely will add to future clutter.

Back to my title story. After wandering the household items, I took a look in the clothing section. I love capris length pants in light weight materials. However, these boyfriend cut pants with cargo packets, rolled up they may have looked like capris, were on the shelf in my size. The color, a dark green, easily blends in with my current summery shirt wardrobe. Light weight, I determined hem perfect for vacation, and washed them immediately after purchasing and they went with me on business as well. I travelled with them cuffed, wearing tennis shoes, but unrolled them and added black flats and a black jersey top for the meetings. And the price, $7.99! True thifters would probably find them expensive, but there was no way these would stay on the shelf for a half price tag day. Either someone lost weight or gained weight because I can't imagine anyone parting with these pants. I also purchased a brand new, store tags still on, green checked shorts for $2.99, also perfect for summer travel, but a bit nice paired with my new white shirt. OK-I am truly done shopping. 

I have not spent  a lot of clothes this year, last Saturday setting me back $26 as I rounded the pennies up at GW. My thrifted pants earlier in the spring, the two jackets, a clearance tank top and spring shirt at Target and last Saturdays haul all come in well under $100.This does not count undergarment, socks, and tights, but even those I try and be careful about with my money. Thifting my wardrobe is my new game. I can thank DD1 for this. Considering I need a work, casual, and play wardrobe, I think I have done pretty well. I don't  want to think about fall, but I suspect I'll glean my closet and decide some replacements are needed. Before I rush to a mall, or even Kohl's or Target, I will continue to hit the thrift stores first. 


  1. Great finds! 99% of my wardrobe comes from the thrift store, not because I have to shop there but because I love shopping there and prefer to spend money in other ways. The other 1% is undergarments and the occasional coat as have difficulty finding the perfect one there. I am always shocked at how many pieces of clothing still are new with tags or washed once there. I only buy clothing that looks brand new so my money goes further though

    1. These pants sure seemed brand new. Coats are harder for me as well so I look for the best deal I can find.

  2. That sounds like a really expensive thrift store!! We LOVE our fondue pots - we have even had fondue for Thanksgiving a few times :)

    I honestly don't even remember the last time I bought clothes- my friend is in a weight lost program that has a clothing exchange every year - everyone gets rid of the clothes that don't fit them anymore and I have been lucky enough (along with dh, dd, & ds) to find TONS of stuff - so much I haven't had to buy clothes in at least 2 years.....all for a $5 donation for anything you want. I was SO bummed they weren't having it this year because no one wanted to take it on....my friend & I might take it over next year if no one else does :)

    1. ON the housewares stuff it really is. I guess people that buy it know the 1/2 price sticker color days. My daughter though scored a huge wicker trunk that she uses as a coffee table for $4.00 a few years ago, so sometimes there are hits and not misses.

  3. Well done on your clothing thrifting. I think the price on the French press is pretty dang steep.
    The concept of buying used or brand new from a thrift store is a wonderful idea but not one I have seen from the invitations I receive.
    I went to a bridal tea this past weekend where over 200 guests were invited. The number of items registered for and received was astounding. I miss the days when brides registered for dishes, silverware and stemware. I am pretty sure I could start a marriage today without expecting someone to purchase me a 1000 count Egyptian cotton king bed sheet set and matching his and hers bedroom slippers. (Yes, that was actually one of the registry items)

    1. I didn't mean to suggest a Thrift store registry-sorry. I meant that before they put things on a registry, they should look for free or near free items first. Still-not a bad idea really. I am aghast at the Bridal Tea-how many guests will be a the wedding if a bridal tea was 200 people?

    2. Sorry I was not clear in my response. I understood what you meant about only registering for items you could not find at thrift stores. I understand they are sending out over 300 invitations. We are laughing because Son2 is getting married in November and my total number of guests outside our family is to 4 of my very dearest friends who have known him since he was hatched. I am thrilled that they are so sensible and want just a fun day with the people they care most for to be with them. (Future DIL bought a used dress because, as she said, she is only going to wear it for a few hours so she decided 150 was her limit. I think she overspent by 5 dollars.)

  4. The thrift store here is overpriced on many items, but people flock there. If I could stand long enough, I would be all over those clothes.

    1. Clothes seem to be reasonable for what is on the rack. Housewares though-very high. The had jelly jars priced at $.99.


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