Sunday, November 25, 2018

Hanging on Tight to The Budget Meal Plan

I have now spent the entire $400 budget. a couple were Black Friday CVS deals that I couldn't pass up, but I got CVS dollars for one, so technically free, but I won't count it as free. I've got plenty in my freezer to squeak out meals since we are going out for dinner later today. Last night was brats and tots, and there are some leftovers, plus leftover soup from Friday. Here's the plan.

Sunday-Eating out, leftovers most likely
Tuesday- Spaghetti and meat sauce
Wednesday-Bean and beef burritos and rice
Thursday-Ham sandwiches, fruit, popcorn etc. for the road. (We leave right when DD2 and I are home for her college scholarship interview and audition on Friday)
Friday-Probably something like an Applebee's (I am over my $100 November eating out goal) before the concert
Saturday- Salisbury steak in gravy and French fries

Other things might be goulash, tuna hot dish, frozen bean soup, macaroni and cheese, and breakfast for supper. I'm fortunate to have so many options.

I'll probably grocery shop on Sunday after spending Saturday with a good clear out and cleaning of the pantry, fridge, and freezer. I'll need my freezer for cookies and treats, so I don't plan to stock up frozen items, just shop week to week. Since we do not need anything this week, anything bought, or rogue bought, I'll count towards December. I have my $400 budget, plus a holiday food budget as a line in the overall Christmas budget for December. I've already spent $11.15 of the $70 budgeted, but I'm going to leverage my December grocery budget with the Holiday shopping-more use the $70 for splurge extras. The $11 was candy used in cookies. How did you November grocery budget fare? Are you gearing up for a thrifty December?


  1. I need to plan how to use all of the stuff in our freezer/fridge. We are fully stocked after all of the cooking this week/end! I need to create more space, because it's driving me crazy to juggle everything each time I open the freezers. ;-)

    1. I like your tetris analogy from another post. Tis the season to cook up everything!

  2. I went over my $400 Nov. food budget but it could have been worse. lolz

    We are super jammed w/food now and I likewise have many, MANY menu options here. I'll be digging out stuff from the freezer today to augment the turkey day leftovers w/new meals for the coming week.

    I've already bought my Xmas special meal stuff(except for shaved Brussels Sprouts and Radicchio as they are fresh produce items)so won't see much if any extra Holiday food buying here.

    1. I'll bring the last of the squash for my lunch/tonight with my restaurant leftovers. Not hosting, we only had bits of different things mostly used. I'm on the look out for a ham for Christmas even, but I don't know what I'm charged yet for Christmas day.

  3. I went over budget, but we had a house full of people and did not go out to eat at all so I feel pretty good even going over. It could have been so much worse. And like everyone else we are loaded with Thanksgiving leftovers.

    1. Eating out was rough-I blew the $100 budget at over $180 plus we need to eat out on Friday, but that would have happened had we gone over grocery budgets as well. Next month really needs to be reined in on eating out.


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