Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thrifty Thursday

Well. it was a mixed bag for thrift the last week. I managed to keep a tight reign on the grocery budget, but splurged on coffee's and rolls with my older daughter after she helped me figure out a few things on the Wix site I am trying to build. Coffee, chai latte, three rolls (one brought home for younger daughter) and out of pocket was $13-not a fortune, but definitely a splurge. I blame my restless night on Friday and trying to get momentum to be productive the rest of the day. Despite that, here are a few thrifty wins for the week.

  • I may have shared this one, but I picked up the two free 5''by7" inch prints from Walgreen's I received a code a couple weeks back and almost forgot I ordered two enlargements of one of our family pictures from the trip.
  • With careful  buying of just what we needed, I  managed to come under the October grocery budget by $12. This will certainly be needed for November.
  • spent $0 on DD2's costume by using a Christmas Rudolph sweater with hood and antlers and our own supplies to make a ty tag, as she went with her NHS group as a collection of Beanie Baby's to collect food for the Halloween food drive, It was kind of clever. 
  • I planned on spending $30 on Halloween Candy. I found a moderately good deal and got $5 added to my rewards card for future shopping. We had less than half the usual numbers of trick or treaters. I'll freeze the Hershey bars to use in holiday baking and treat making. These may or may not make it that far though I noticed DH left the peanut butter cups unopened as well. 
  • We knew October was going to be a high eating out/take out month with moving DD1, fall break, a college visit, and our anniversary. Looking back though, we stayed under $200-barely. I'm counting this as a thrifty win as we  just have these months from time to time. Now I have a goal for November and December to keep eating out to under $100, which will get us back to our $100 budget. We'll try and save the eating out for meeting up with friends or when DS is home at Christmas rather than randomness. Planning is thrifty, so I'll count my mindset. 
No cost Halloween Costume.

I did some hefty number crunching. I was more realistic about earnings and expenses over the next 4-5 years. Somewhere, we need to find a way to generate  between $12,000 and $18,000. I know these thrifty means are not a lot individually, but over the course of 60 months, little tweaks will help more stay in our bank accounts that can be deferred to the important things we are striving to accomplish through use of money. 


  1. Nice! Both of our kids wore repurposed Halloween costumes as well.

    1. Now will be the time to look in Thrift Stores as people dump this years. The sweater she wore will be used at Christmas though-so cute!

  2. Homemade are the best Halloween costume. What a cute idea!

    1. Wasn't it though? Her groups for NHS came up with it, but she was the only one that had the big ty tag that kind of made the theme stand out.

  3. I hope other than the rehearsal party we will have no eating out in November. My freezer is crammed full of possibilities that should get us through the month, except for the Thanksgiving meal. Other than that my shopping should be restricted to produce, bread and almond milk. Fingers crossed cause this is going to be a pricy month.

    1. But it is a month of a lifetime for your family. Part of my reason to save now is hopefully in the future we will be spending money on weddings and rehearsal dinners.


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