Friday, December 7, 2018

Stuff Happens-Deal With It

My post title is to myself. I had a stupid fender bender on my way home last night. There was not even bad weather conditions. Traffic was ridiculously backed up but then started moving. I was distracted for just a split second by a metro bus passing on the shoulder lane, and didn't react fast enough to the brake lights ahead of me, slammed on my breaks but still bumped the crossover vehicle ahead of me. It appears she has no damage as I think I hit her hitch. My car has a popped out part of my front, a crack in Chevy logo, but no other damage. The piece that popped out has no dent or scratches, so DH is hopeful it just can be taken off and reattached. She's going to have her car looked at to make sure no sensor or anything not visible is wrong. No one was hurt; she seemed kind, but of course annoyed, in the scheme of things this incident was minor. Did I mention how much I hate commuting!

I was very frustrated with myself. The cost and inconvenience of having my car in the shop and the not truly knowing for sure that her car is fine is stressing me out this morning. My friends father died and I was going to go to the service, but now I may not have a car to do so. A group of us sent her a plant, so she will know I am thinking of her, but not the same. I'm stressed, but then  knowing my friend has dealt with the difficulty of her fathers long term illness and dementia, while working and raising two kids, I need to tell myself  inconvenient stuff happens all the time, deal with it Sam. 

This might be yet another costly lesson in slowing down, and not letting myself get distracted. I admit I've been a car cell phone user-not smart, and I have tried to keep the phone far away. Last night was just a minor distraction, but so easily could have been worse. I also have to remember to just accept when I am stuck in stop and go traffic, and give more space than I think I need between cars. If I'm stuck at work late, I might as well just stay a bit longer until the traffic lulls. Why put myself at deeper risk? Maybe a 2019 goals is to work on ways to avoid stress and distraction in the car.   

That's how my weekend is starting off. Keep your fingers crossed for me that there truly is no damage to the other drivers car and mine will be a minor repair.  I really don't need this expense or lack of access to my car, but stuff happens. 


  1. We've had similar weeks. I was rear ended on my way to work on Wednesday. Light was green, but the lane was fully blocked, so I was waiting for it to clear so I wouldn't block the intersection. Car behind me saw the green & ran into me. I've been home for two days with a sore neck & back. It's the pits to have something inconvenience you. I keep telling myself how lucky everyone is, no one is really hurt. But, oh yes, is it ever a hassle to get the car to the body shop, being without another car, time off of work, doctor's appointments, etc.

    It happens. Like you said, we've all been there with having our minds otherwise occupied & that was a very real outcome of the distraction we have every day. Hope the rest of your weekend is much, much better!

    1. Well, despite the cost, so far it seems only to be my car and my poor mental state about it. I hope your aches subside-I feel horrible for you.

  2. I hope everything works out with the other car so you don't have any more bills. But the commute - tell me about it. A couple of years ago when I was so, so tired I remember thinking "don't freak out and say you can't drive any more". I haven't got to that point but to have someone screeching up your backside in the pouring rain and/or snow is hell. I hate it. If they have to get into an accident so be it but leave me the hell out of it. I'm so glad I'm almost out of that as you know. Take care and try to stay zen.

    1. We can't get that official telework policy in place soon enough-it will reduce my driving by a 3-5 days a month. This wa sjust so dumb-a distraction that happened so fast.

  3. Oh honey what a crap this to happen. But keep it in stride it could have been much worse. You have had so much on your plate. I won't tell you to slow down, as I am having trouble taking that advice.

    1. I am thankful for what I see every day that is was not worse. We do have car money set aside, but dang, that was to go towards care replacement in the future. I am fine though driving this one until it is not drivable.

  4. Stuff does happen, don't be too hard on yourself, just be thankful it wasn't worse and nobody got hurt. A pain in the butt for sure but it will pass. We no longer (used to) use cell phones in vehicles as our fine and demerits if caught here are $544 - yes, a severe penalty which has pretty much stopped most people from doing it

    1. I now there should never be anything so urgent to make a call in the car, except of course a true emergency. Perhaps if we ever get fines like this, it will stop.

  5. A minor accident while inconvenient is still a minor accident. No point in crying over spilt milk. Just deal with it and go on. Fingers crossed that the other car has no damage and yours is a quick fix. I was rear ended once and it did nothing but a scuff mark to the underside of my car. Tore the crap out of the hood of the other car though.

    1. I'm hoping tha tis the case. I didn't see anything on her car, but it was so dark. I think I hit her hitch and that took the brunt. Yes, in the scheme of things it was minor and may save me in the future by being more alert.

  6. So glad you're okay. Cell phones and driving are not a good mix. I know how tempting it is to want to pick up that phone when you hear a the "ding" of a message. I try and wait for a red light. In fact I always joke that if you want to get to work faster, plan to send a text at a red light and you're guaranteed to never get one. lol. My hubby is a crossing guard and he's almost been hit a couple of times by distracted drivers. Like you said, we all need to slow down.

    1. Fortunately traffic was going super slow which helped it not be as bad, No cell phones-period, and I will bury in the bottom of my bag out of sight and reach.

  7. Hope everything turns out okay with her car and life gets back to normal ASAP. I work only 3 miles from home, but my commute can take up to 25 minutes with 8 red lights on a main highway. I've almost seen 2 accidents recently where the green arrow will turn and people in the straight lane with a red light will hit the gas then have to stomp on the brake to avoid the turning cars. And then there are the damn deer....

    1. I've had a deer incident too-a long time go. I'm frustrated as I normally am a good driver.

  8. So glad you are o.k. You know, there are enough distractions, like your metro bus, which you can't really avoid, that I refuse to even have the cell phone with me when I drive. I'm a bad enough driver as it is!
    I am thankful you are o.k. They make cars, probably exactly like the one you have, every day of the week. They can't make another Sam. xoxo

    1. I should reiterate, it was a quick distraction-not cell phone related, but a great reminder that anything can be a distraction as you said. Thanks for the kind words-yes, cars are abundan, but we are all unique and needed in the world.

  9. Oh, I knew it wasn't a cell phone--it was the bus. I was just reiterating that distractions are aplenty without adding more.
    I've also been that mother who has "stopped the car" when kids were acting up...I couldn't concentrate if they were misbehaving. For every time I stopped, they had to go to bed an hour earlier.


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