Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thrifty Thursday-Despite an Expensive Month Edition

February I'll recharge my frugal ways. That doesn't mean I'm not on the look out for ways to be thrifty even though there has been nothing frugal about January. My wins this past week include:

  1. Free Try-It yoga class through Community Ed. I did really enjoy it, but second part is I've decided not to register for the class, but logged on two mornings and did a few minutes via an on-line program.
  2. Used the surplus strawberries, the aquafaba from the curry chick peas, and more of the coconut milk (nothing wasted) to make a vegan strawberry oatmeal bread. The flavor is delicious, despite it not rising. We ate one, but I froze the other as a thank you to DD1 for watching the dog again this weekend. 
  3. While cleaning on Saturday, I found a whole lot of change in various places, adding over $3 to my canister. Remember the Baguette and Croissant fund? It is still growing!
  4. I submitted for my remaining 2018 medical flex account. I had ordered a knee therapy kit, prescription sun screen, and another spare pair of gasses-keeping me set for another couple years. These were paid for with the Visa, so when the reimbursement comes, it can go right into savings-$368.
  5. While they say the girls can reuse their false eye lashes, to me they seem like a ripe opportunity to cause an eye infection. I found several at the Dollar Tree, same brand as in Walmart, for  almost half as much. Healthy eyes are a bargain. 
Once again, nothing individually will make me rich. On the need/joy list, all register high. I'm slowly getting back into the mode of spending when needed or when the enjoyment factor has a high return.  


  1. I remember all 3 of our sons had "spendy" Sr. years, and add routine surprise expenses and it just gets difficult. They say watch the pennies and the dollars will add up. You are doing so much better than you feel like you are.

    1. I know I am being careful, but as you said, the senior year has so many extra's. I know I can say no, but don't want to. She has worked towards things as well, but she is also saving money as she is on her own for fun money, clothes, make-up, all the non necessities.

  2. I have had a look at quite q few YouTube yoga videos too and they are good. Think I'll save them for when it's too cold outside to walk.

  3. I do a you tube walking video several times a week when I don't get in enough steps on my fit bit.


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