Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tribute to Notre Dame

I as everyone was around the world, was in first shock then profound sadness  when  I heard the news about the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral. I hope the fire fighter who was reported as badly injured will be OK. I know the city will heal, but the pain must be so incredibly raw and will be for some time. For my family, it was part of our trip of a lifetime. Just eight months ago we splurged to take our three children on a two week trip, mostly in Paris. The final weekend of our trip after a few days in Belgium and Germany, we came back and stayed in a neighborhood near the cathedral, seeing the beauty we had seen by day into the evening hours. Paris has a special place in my heart and I will grieve with its people. 


  1. It is so sad. A world heritage, an incredible landmark...I hope they can restore it to perfection. I also wonder about all the art in there. Such misfortune!

  2. It is world wide loss and I am grieving with those people.

  3. I've heard that they think the stained glass was spared, also that due to the reno they had removed some statues that were there to another location. It will be rebuilt, already 339 million has been raised from rich French patrons. Very sad though

  4. The news isn't as bleak at it first seemed last night. We were watching the fire on the TV last night and it looked terrible.
    It's been years since i wsa last in Paris but I loved Notre Dame. x

  5. Love the photos. I've never been to Paris. So sad what happened.

  6. I've just come back from a short holiday in Italy with an organized French tour. My goodness, when we saw that Notre Dame had gone up in flames you could have heard a pin drop. That being said, there has been a fund set up for donations (Selma Hayek's husband donated €100 million immediately) but now there is what I think a very valid argument that that money should be spent on the poor instead!

  7. Hey all-Thanks for commenting. It sounds like the grand lady will be repaired, and in much shorter time than I would have ever imagined it could be done. I think it hit home so much because it played such a wonderful part of my families story and within the last year.


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