Tuesday, May 28, 2019

What's on Our Plates?

Sunday night was relaxing, as was Monday. I felt like we moved farther along, though I'm disappointed in the state of the yard. You can't do much when a swamp is being created. We have a couple more weekends, right? I haven't thought much about meals, but am trying to manage leftovers better mostly, admittedly, to keep the refrigerator clutter at bay. I cleaned out one of the two wall pantry cupboards and am appalled at how much was thrown. This is my breakfast and beverages cupboard on the bottom and the medicine and paper and kitchen wrap cupboard on top. Tonight I'll get to the canned good and baking cupboards. We had meals of sorts. 

Thursday night DH had made a huge batch of pasta with chicken Alfredo. I'm still not sure why but he said he wanted leftovers. He didn't touch them either Friday or Saturday. We ended up eating it Sunday night but there was still massive amounts of pasta so I added milk, cheese, and the last of a little queso dip and made mac and cheese. That along with leftover pizza from DD2 and my lunch on Sunday was lunch Monday. We ended up just eating cheddar brats and fried potatoes last night after I had peeled the last of a massive bag. with a short week, here is the rest of the plan.

  • Tuesday: Vegetable curry and rice (DH will get rice and a chicken breast)
  • Wednesday: Leftover curry DD2, grilled cheese or grilled ham and cheese for us. DD2's concert is Wednesday so we'll all be running.
  • Thursday: Chicken and mushroom in the crockpot with mashed potato's and  steamed vegetables
  • Friday: Take and Bake Pizza
  • Saturday: Leftovers
Of course everything is subject to change. I'll supplement everything with us noshing on fruit since the meals feel pretty carb heavy and not pushing our five a day. I was planning curry last night, but DD1 had other plans and didn't come over and I wanted to tackle what was on hand before creating more items for the refrigerator. If you have school kids, are they done for the summer? Are you as lackluster about meals as I feel I am these days? 


  1. Today I made a meatloaf with hardboiled eggs and peas, carrots and potatoes inside. I will make stir fried veggies for tonight to accompany the meatloaf. Rest of it will be frozen in portion sizes for later. I live alone so, meals are pretty easy and basic.

    1. Your meatloaf sounds really interesting. Were the vegetables and eggs mixed into the ground beef, or sort of like a pie, where the ingredients were in the middle?

    2. Here is how I make it: I mix ground beef, shredded onion, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. I also crack an egg to make sure it holds the loaf together. I knead this mixture really well and then flatten it into a rectangle. I chop the hard-boiled eggs and mix them with the pre-cooked veggies and place them in the middle of the rectangle. I wrap the meat mixture around the veggies and tuck the edges well. I place the loaf on a baking pan. I mix tomato sauce and just a little water and pour this over the meatloaf. I cover the pan with foil. I never measure anything when I am cooking since I eyeball everything so, I cannot really tell you how much of the ingredients. I bake the meatloaf at 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 175 degrees Celsius and check the doneness with a meat thermometer. I take the foil off 20 minutes prior to taking it out.

    3. Here is a recipe I found online:

    4. That sounds really good!

  2. Kids are done! But with many Dr/dentist/eye/derm appointments scheduled for the summer, my son trying to find a job as well as working on his permit things will be a little busy.

    I sent hubby and daughter grocery shopping Saturday as I just have had no time to do it. The challenge now is to cobble together some dinners with what they bought. I see canned herring (blech) and a can of cheesy broccoli soup (blech) but lots of frozen veggies, brown rice and chicken. So a mix of good and bad lol. Nobody will starve

    1. Maye the cheesy broccoli soup can be combined with the rice and veggies into a nice side for the chicken? My lazy hot dishes!

  3. Is your yard a swamp because it's raining or melted snow? I have zero inspiration right now in the food dept. If it was up to me alone I would be eating cereal and watermelon with zero cooking. But....hubby is one of those "must eat real balanced meals" type people so tonight BBQ pork chops, new baby potatoes in cream dill sauce and salad. He makes the potato dish (a Ukrainian thing) and I will do everything else.

    1. It's combination of the late snow melt and huge amounts of spring rain, coupled with losing a tree last year and the mess from that. We may end up buying sod this weekend and hoping with two weeks, the bare spots will be established at least a bit.

  4. Not done yet. Between days missed due to our start-of-the-year strike, and two solid weeks lost due to snow, we are going until 6/25.
    My freezer is down to frozen berries picked some summers ago, a few chicken breasts, and frozen vegetables. The pantry isn't thinning as quickly. Yesterday's celebratory meal was steak, sweet potato wedges, salad, gelatin salad, and a cake made with homemade raspberry jam. We have the remnants of a Costco rotisserie chicken in the refrigerator, which I will use for chicken enchiladas tonight. I had a request for apple cabbage soup, which requires a purchase of cabbage and bacon, so it may not make an appearance this week.

    1. June 25th is really late, but we added days back that were supposed to be school release and no strike. now though, teachers are cramming in way too much which has added stress to every kid I know. I need to give enhciladas a try. I've never made them. Do you use your own sauce or is there a version premade you like?

  5. I'm feeling pretty uninspired about food, but that's the norm for me. It's why I tend to eat the same few things over and over. I alternate between two frozen meals for dinner and eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch each day. It's just easier for me to autopilot it.

    That said, I'm snacking on some of the leftovers from my game night, so that's thrown a little variety into the mix. So that's something, right?

    1. I'd be fine eating the same but my family gets bored. The curry is always a daughter win plus leftovers of usually two meals for her.

  6. I'm making a real effort to stop waste too. I had my son, his wife and HER mother over on Sunday for (French) Mother's Day. Made way too much food but - I made chicken in white wine and olives, with a 7-layer salad and baked rice. I froze the chicken and was going to throw the leftover juice but thought heck, it's piddling down, why not make lentil soup using the juice. Then I thought heck, I have leftover creamy garlic cheese so threw that in. Plus the leftover mushrooms. And it was DELICIOUS! Just got to keep it up!

    1. Soup made with this and that usually turns out well. I'm glad you had success.


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