Sunday, June 30, 2019

Meals and Such

DH, DD2. and I had a nice night. Every other weekend, now June-August, the downtown closes off for an oldies car show. People park their cars  all over, food trucks come in, bars and restaurants serve specials, and people wander and look, chat, and greet each other. We had grilled quesadillas and salad before heading down, though both DD2 and I ate little as we had several grad parties earlier in the day before DH got off work. In fact, the last we hit right before exploring the car show. We even brought our own bottled water, so it could have been a free night out, though the ice cream fiends each had a cone. We were home by 9:00 and I had a night cap glass of wine and watched a free Red Box rental. I'm up bright and early trying to think about meals for the week ahead. The rothers are still sleeping. We haven't decided if we are going to the lake, but if we do, we'll just pick ups something to grill on route along with salad fixings, chips, and cookies. I don't want to make a special grocery run, so will shop after work on my way home. Here is the sort of plan using what we already have in the house, and a limited grocery shop.

  • Sunday-Something on the grill, home or at the lake, with a salad and chips
  • Monday-Cheese ravioli and marinara with sliced chicken, garlic bread
  • Tuesday- Take and bake pizza ($10 pizza at Papa Murphy's and will yield lunch leftovers)
  • Wednesday- Sandwiches-deciding if we are going to the lake Wednesday night or just for the day on the 4th, regardless will keep it simple
  • Thursday- brats and burgers for the grill at the lake, potato salad, veggies and humus, chips and rice Krispy treats. If watermelons are a good price, will bring one along.
  • Friday-Leftovers from Thursday
  • Saturday-Potluck dish for my sisters party (they are doing hot dogs and walking tacos) and was thinking of a broccoli and bacon salad, more Rice Krispy treats, and chocolate covered strawberries
I'm trying to be mindful about waste and not over buying and then planning leftovers as part of meals. We've a bit of a heat wave this weekend, not New Orleans stifling, but hotter and more humid than typical in early July. I'll avoid the oven and use the crockpot, grill, and microwave as well as more salads, fruit, and veggies for side dishes. For you all in the US, do you have 4th of July plans and plans that go into the weekend? What's your favorite summer food? 


  1. We'll do burgers on the grill but nothing big for the 4th. Eldest son and GF are coming mid July and that's when we'll live it up! lolz

    1. I' already off plan. DH ran to the store for fruit. $65 later, her has multiple bags of odds and ends for me to plan.

  2. We are having family at the beach house, starting on Tuesday, so that's when the meals will get more planned.

    Sunday - Salmon (adults) + pasta/meatballs (kids)
    Monday - leftovers
    Tuesday - pizza + salad
    Wednesday - carnitas, taquitos, chips & salsa
    Thursday - burgers & hot dogs + potato salad
    Friday - leftovers
    Saturday - we're driving home, so will depend on what time we arrive

    1. I just responded to Sluggy that I'm already off plan. O think tonight will still be ravioli, but with some greens and stuff DHS bought.

  3. All sounds delicious. It will be great to incorporate any leftovers.

    1. The girls and I will go for a long walk and then make the pasta I think tonight.

  4. Today, I will put two packages of chicken in a baking bag. That and hotdogs will be my meals all week. I will serve the chicken in various ways. I have salad fixings, potatoes, potato chips, and fruit. I bought squash from the farmer's market for squash casserole and to put in salad. I have four dozen eggs, so I will boil a dozen for deviled eggs, potato salad, maybe tuna salad, and to eat plain for breakfast. I cannot say or write on paper what will be served when. Most of the chicken will be frozen for later meals. I am going to put ground pork and a coleslaw mix in the crockpot and season it with horseradish sauce much later in the week. Oh, I have another coleslaw package to make for the fourth to go with whatever. You see I have an assortment of food to eat a healthy meal. Plus, I have cherries, bananas, apples for the fruit part.

    1. Deviled eggs sound nice-now I think I'll make some eggs for egg salad sandwiches.

  5. Son2 needed to use our smoker for a bbq at his workplace, so I asked him to smoke some pork and a brisket for us. He said he would grab one while he got his pork and he did.13 pounds of beef brisket. It smoked for roughly 16 hours and is now divided into 3 gallon freezer bags and lives in the freezer. Pretty sure we will have that for the 4th.


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